^I found these pictures from when we gave Trixie a bath in my drafts and my oh my did it take me back. Do you see that last picture? Well, she would like, sit up, but then since it was a bath her little paws would start to slip and she would just slowly fall down into that position. Then once she was in it she would just lay there until we sat her up. We thought once we drained all the water she would get up, but even then she just laid there HAHAHAHAH^
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Getting my iPhone finally! (And finally being able to turn off my phone since my old lock button was broken, no more worrying about alarms going off in quiet situations! YAY!) / Brugee's is finally open / Catching up with old high school friends / Making cute zombie cookies and watching the season premier of The Walking Dead / Fully expecting to get a 60 on my adolescence test because I didn't study very hard, and then actually getting an 80 / The really loud bang that happened at BYU that scared everyone to death and no one knew what it was. It sounded like a mountain was crashing and I almost peed my pants in fear, and then started laughing and laughed forever. / The stuff my mother brought back from Italy / When we accidentally stole a pumpkin from Macey's / When Jake brought me Slurp home as a treat (bonus points because he knows I love treats and also because he got my exact order right: a chocolate chip cookie and a huckleberry diet pepsi with half the pumps of huckleberry... I LOVE MY HUSBAND.) / Finally getting our laundry done (Thanks Jake) and having clean clothes again at long last
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Funny things people have said recently...
Me (annoyed): Why don't you ever wake me up when I ask you to?
Jake: Because... you're so cute when you're sleeping.
Jake: Wait, so how do you want to cuddle?
Me: Oh, well, you don't have to but I was just saying we could like...
Jake (interrupts): Emmy, don't play games with me.
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I totally suck at keeping track of funny things people say, so... so long to that lol. But, this week I have two tests and then I am DONE!!! Well, until finals week, but you know how it goes. I am literally sooooo happy they were spread out over the course of three weeks. I would have died having to take five tests in the same week. So, hallelujah.
I was just showing Jake some Christmas present wrapping ideas on my Pinterest board and it randomly got me like, the most excited for Christmas. Ah! It's finally getting cold out and THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING. So much joy. This Christmas is obviously going to be great, but a part of me is also really excited for next Christmas when I'll just have a job and can come home and make a Christmas treat every day. AH! CHRISTMAS!!
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P.S. Here's some internet things to make you happy. Amazon's Zombie Survival Store, animals wrapped as burritos, text messages from parents to their kids, and mean notes from kids.
Lmao she looks like she put up with it very well. We bathed our cats...ONCE.
ReplyDeletehahaha your dog looks frightened in the first pic. we used to bathe my dog with our outdoor shower, and when I'd turn it on, she'd freeze in her tracks and stare up at me just like that. and yay for iphones! and yay for christmas!
ReplyDeletehaha dogs in baths = the best ever. and an outdoor shower?? what is that? it sounds amazing.
DeleteBRUGES IS FINALLY OPEN. It's basically the only thing I can think about these days, because I've been waiting for years it feels like. And now, it's here? For me and you and everyone to just go to? Anytime I or you or anyone feels like it? Too good to be true.
ReplyDeleteugh right!! and there's like no line! i swear the slc always took foreverrrrrr to get the deliciousness.