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Dear Lizzie Tea Party

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
I have no idea why it's taken me so long to post about this, but a few Saturdays ago I put together a little tea party with some bloggie friends. It was sooo fun to meet some bloggers I've followed for a while in real life. Oh, and not to mention Dear Lizzie is the most adorable place in the world. 

They didn't have raspberry tea out this time, and I'm way too shy to ask for things like that. So, I tried a caffeine free green tea. It was interesting!

They had blueberry, lemon, and chocolate chip scones! The chocolate chip were to die for.

Dessert was these adorable sugar cookies. I'm really not the biggest fan of sugar cookies AT ALL, but these sugar cookies and the ones are Swig make me reconsider that claim.

Also, this post wouldn't be complete without the tea disasters lol. I added some cream (or something white) to mine, and it totally ruined it and also made it look not cute anymore. Katherine did the same, and then Riley's tea bag broke and the leaves were all up in that. Me and Katherine kept trying to get Riley to ask for new cups (because we are too shy and also she is awesome with doing things like that), but awkward things kept happening ha ha. It was too funny. Who needs tea when you have delicious sandwiches, scones, and sugar cookies?! I mean really.

From left to right, Riley, Katherine, Mila, moi, Kayla, and Leah. I'm thinking doing more meetups would be fun! If you're interested in coming to the next, let me know! Also, if you haven't tea partied at Dear Lizzie yet, you must go immediately!

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10 comments on "Dear Lizzie Tea Party"
  1. This looks sooo fun! I wish I could have come. Everyone is so prettying!

  2. that looks luke so much fun! great idea :)
    xo, cheyenne

  3. This looks like a blast! I should have a bloggy tea party!!

  4. Feel like coming to NZ for a meet up? ;)

  5. Wow!! That meet up look so great! and the place is so cute!! Love your blog! follow you! Do you have Instagram?


  6. That is an excellent group shot, you all look so beautiful! And never add milk to green tea! Hahah, you learnt the hard way

    Lauren / And Together We

  7. haha i gotcha gurl. yes! it was a blast. anything adorable, right?

  8. Hahahaha I'm not sure how grown up it is to act like a kid, but it is fun!
