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Your Magic's Real So Why Aren't You Using It?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tbt the old blog when my titles were from songs. I want to bring some of the old blog characteristics back sometimes, but then I'm like, "You're an adult now!" But I just decided that titling your blog posts with song lyrics isn't angsty, right? Right?! RIGHT?!

How do people work full time jobs and still blog? And also keep up on other people's blogs? I get home at 5:30 (If I'm lucky.) and the last thing I want to do is look at a computer screen. Haha not really, but I usually end up making food and doing random life tasks. I have hundreds of posts in my blog roll! Ah! I haven't read blogs in soooooo long. I'm sorry blogworld. I have failed you. :/

I still like blogging, but I've also realized that it's not something that's important to me. I think it's more a place to put my photography. When I don't take pictures I get so depressed and annoyed that I'm a "corporate robot". But when I don't blog I'm just like, "Ok." 

It's weird because prior to graduating college and getting a full time job I thought that I would always love blogging. I honestly thought I would always have a blog and that I would feel so empty without it. But now, I think I would be 100% fine haha. I more so like the connection I make in the blogging world and the organization it gives my life. 

Anyway, I have just been thinking about this lately and it's just weird to feel so neutral about something I was once so passionate about.

Change is weird and sometimes I can't decide if it's bad or good. I feel like the transition from my old blog to this new blog is one I think about a lot. I can't decide if it was bad or good. On one hand, I can't get cyberbullied for any stupid thing I said when I was a teenager. But on the other hand, I have erased my whole history online so you guys only know as far back to when I met Jake. Up until I started college I was really artsy and took cool pictures and wrote cool poems. Even that first year produced some pretty good pieces of art because of all the shiz that happened. They weren't amazing, but they were honest and true. 

I had so much angst that fueled all of that. But then when I met Jake I became a real adult who didn't experience angst 24/7. I know that part of that is good, but a part of me wishes I could publish that old blog and let it back into the cyberworld. I feel like I now censor a huge part of my life because I'm scared of the backlash I might get if I say I'm voting for Hilary and I hate living in Utah. I've only ever had serious backlash about one thing I wrote, but it was harsh enough that I never want to put risky things on this space again. I have a lot of opinions and a lot to say, but I don't ever want to offended anyone. I'm just a 21-year-old girl with limited life experience so what do I really know anyway?

It's just weird, I guess. Change.

- - - - -

P.S. ^ At least my signature has stayed the same for a while hahahaha. 
10 comments on "Your Magic's Real So Why Aren't You Using It?"
  1. I feel the same way!! But don't completely abandon blogging....I'll miss your posts!

  2. Hi, you can't stop blogging because I literally check your blog daily.

    And bring back the angst! You know I'm fully supportive of that. Mostly because I wish I could too. I think there's something to be said for just putting honest, real, true, angsty feelings out there and not caring who sees, because those feelings are real and they matter.

    And finally, those photos are really so pretty. I promise we will find time to shoot! I wanna shoot with you so bad!

    Okay bye have a great day! :)

    1. Lol in reality I won't because of all the awesome friends I have here.

      Thank you for always supporting my angst! I'm partially bringing it back with #tbt posts lol.


  3. Hey! I liked your old blog, and like this one too for that matter! Write whatever you want, I say, haters gon' hate.

  4. Uhm Emmy, stop it right now. Are you going to do what everyone else is doing or use your magic?

    RIGHT! Lol

    We aren't meant to be normal, life is about risk. So what if you stir up the pot? It's your blog and it actually makes me feel awful that you can't say what you'd like.

    Just remember that there are people who read but don't comment(I'm one of those) blogs really make me feel complete, it's pure and it's the best way to realize that there are people out in the world just like me.

    I'd love to hear about why you hate Utah, just know that in your darkness, your strength and your journey inspires others people. Even if you decide no longer blog anymore, just remember why you started, sometimes we get so caught up in the motions of life that we forget why things are so dear to us.

    1. Awe I love to hear stuff like this. Sometimes when I look at my analytics I'm like, "There's no way that many people are reading." So I love when you pipe up and let me know what you think :) I probably really will make a video about why Utah isn't a good fit for me, I just feel like I need to wait until I lived somewhere else for a while too lol.

  5. Oh hi, how did I miss this post?
    I LIVE for your blog posts, yo.
