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Sk8er Girl

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dress / Shoes / Lipstick (My favorite shade for summer!)

On Sunday we headed over to The Met to shoot some product for Recks and Relle. I knew it wouldn't be busy, but I didn't think it would be completely empty! It was seriously a dream shooting there and not having tons of random people in the background lol! 

We shot product for about 30 minutes before we had to leave because of the CRAZIEST wind (pictured above). It was seriously impossible to shoot anything, so we left and then on the walk home it started raining while we had armfuls of clothes! Ha! Gotta love it.

Anyway, I have decided that skater dresses are my go to. I just bought 3 last week, and my "interview" dress is a skater as well. I just feel like they are more flattering on my body shape? Idk. I know a personal stylist and I want to have her dress me in a few different outfits so I know what looks best for my body shape!

Jake lol. I have started having him take pictures of me, instead of me taking pictures of him. I finally realized that he would rather be behind the camera instead of in front of it! But I still have to test my lighting ;) haha.

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