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How We Wore It: Bein' A Tourist

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Blazer - thrifted. Shirt - some store in midtown. Pants - also thrifted. Shoes - Birks. 

Edited with Afga Vista 800- from VSCO Pack 5. I've been loving this preset for the rainy days.
When I saw the inspiration picture for this month's How We Wore It on Gentri Lee's blog I LOL-ed. 

Like, how fitting. I meant to get a cheap, oversized "I <3 NY" shirt, but I did this last minute and the only store I could find had the fitted. But on the plus side now that I'm wearing the right bra size and don't have saggy boobs, I felt I could pull this off.

Sometimes people who live in New York are like, anti "touristy". But I'm like, "Who cares?" Bring on the touristy vibes! 

Anyway, check out the other lovely ladies in this link up here:
Deidre at Deidre Emme
Madeline at CaseyLand
Riley at Riley Jo Blog
Jessica at Mason Jars and Lemon Bars
Kelsi at Lovestrong
Samantha at The Samantha Show
Emily at Emmy Jake
Rachel at Rachel Sayumi
Robin at Penn & Quill
Ruth at My Little Nest
Britt at My Little Sunshines
Autumn at Stay gold Autumn
Jen at Real Life, On Purpose
Alyssa at Pinsent Life
Emma at Ever Emma

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P.S. Head over to Diedre's blog to get entered for next month's How We Wore It!

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