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A Happy List: 118

Monday, May 16, 2016
Jake got a little hand held vacuum and he is obsessed with vacumming everywhere in our apartment!
Figuring out the "NE corner" subway signs are referring to sidewalk direction, not the actual corner.
How Hawk in The Path looks exactly like Heath Ledger. The world needs another Heath Ledger.
The girl's face when we went to the NY Public Library and asked her where to check out books.
Discovering they have just chocolate versions of the best cookies in the world.
On Sunday when we had the stairs at The Met all to ourselves.
Finn's permanent facial expression in The 100.
Ryan Reynold's tweets about parenting.
Aspyn Ovard's alien theory lol.
Walking on 5th Avenue.

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Clothes I am loving: this coat / this "mango" colored dress / these $10 skater dresses / this skirt / not clothes, but after weeks of searching for the perfect highlighter I finally found this.

Posts in the blog-o-sphere I am loving: Can I have this cake? Thanks. / I love how beautiful these makeup posts are. Ah the symmetry. / Who in Ireland wants to ship me this dress? Will send cronuts. / Basically all of you need to follow this blog because who doesn't love budget backpacking advice? Also her hair is amazing. / This title. Probably my favorite title of a blog post ever.

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Here are some funny things people said this week:

*me at my new job*
Me to the kid next to me: "So, do you know what my job position is here?"
Him: "I didn't even know they were hiring another person until you showed up."

We got a big rug and Jake keeps calling it a "carpet".

My mom: "I want these cats away from my front door! I'm being harrassed!!!!"

Me: "I saw the smallest baby today!"
Jake: "A dog baby or a human baby? Cause I have to ask with you now."

*He was trying to make a joke hahaha he knows who Ron is.*
Jake: "Em, you not knowing who Princess Leia is, is like someone not knowing who Harry Potter, Hermione, and Roger are."

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P.S. Is it social taboo to do a blog post about my boobs? Because I need to talk about it.

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