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I Am Not A Fashion Blogger

Friday, November 6, 2015
For some reason I really like documenting these. The outfit on the top right got me a literal round of applause from 20 people at work this week hahahaha. 

I want to make a book of outfits, so I can just flip through it and pick what I want to wear that day. #lazy. Honestly, it's been nice though. I've been going through my closet and wearing everything once. Like, once I wear something I put it in the back and don't let myself wear it again until I have gone through everything. It's really made me notice how many clothes I keep that I never wear hahaha.

I'm 90% sure our apartment in New York is going to be like, 500 square feet, so I'm trying really hard to downsize all our stuff and only keep essentials. It's been an adventure for sure, but I feel like I've been doing really well! Those freaking Instagram closet sales snipe me everytime though. That shirt in the bottom left was like, $6 or something! #deals4real

ANYWAY. I don't know how to end this. So, peace.

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4 comments on "I Am Not A Fashion Blogger"
  1. These are so freaking adorable. I want to wear them all haha. I especially love the Americana shirt, how awesome!! I take outfit photos and have looked back at them and gotten ideas that I had totally forgotten about. Really helps when I think I have nothing to wear.

    1. Yes agreed! The only way I can get dressed is if I plan out ahead of time what I'm going to wear lol

  2. Yeah! I'm definitely an outfit repeater. These are fun. More, I say!
