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thanksgiving festivities

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
I'm actually surprised at all the pictures I got from our holiday break haha. Without further ado… a real post! That I have been missing since the craziness of school and work has set in. So, this is exciting!!!

On Thanksgiving morning Jake ran a half marathon and I walked a 5k. I like to say that I had a cold and didn't want to get more sick, but let's be honest. I probably couldn't have run it even if I wanted to haha. My running dreams are pretty much only that… dreams. / Later that day after Thanksgiving dinner, Jake, me, and his mom were having a conversation and he put his head on my shoulder like this. I thought he was just being dumb, but he actually fell asleep like that in probably 2 minutes tops. Poor bb was tired from running so far! / My bloggie friend Beverly was in town so we hit up some black friday shopping and Kneader's french toast! Also this post wouldn't be complete without mentioning how ADORABLE her baby is. She was a little tiny and was smiling SO MUCH. Anyways, check out her blog for adorable pictures of her baby, because you won't regret it.

Why should you have your husband pack for your trip to Rockville? Because he will pack a Nintendo 64 and you can play Mario Party 3. That's why.

We dined at the hotel restaurant for breakfast and they had "eggs benedict" on their menu. I've always thought eggs benedict are the classiest of all the egg dishes, but I have never tried them. Also it always makes me think of that scene in Runaway Bride where she tries all the different types of eggs. Anyways, so I pretty much had to try it since the opportunity was there. It wasn't too bad, but I'd probably like it more in sandwich form or if the yolks weren't runny. / After breakfast we made friends with a Native American, so that was neat.

Date night was Interstellar and Twentyfive Main cupcakes. Will someone please email me and explain Interstellar? I mean, I think I'm partially there, but there are still so many questions I have.

But on a more positive note will you look at that art work? Like, I'm so obsessed with its colorful abstract-ness.

(No, we did not eat all these cupcakes. We took them back to Jake's family haha.)

They had wassail so aka a taste of heaven's rivers.

Before I left for the break I was going to ask my positive psychology teacher who takes amazing photos how to take star photos, but I got scared because #shyness. Anyways, I am bummed because the first night the sky was so so clear, but the second night there were so many clouds I couldn't get any shots of the stars other than these two locations. Next time I shall have to try again I suppose! (Did I mention that Jake's grandparents whom we were visiting live in a tiny tiny town? It's like right by Zion's which means the view of the stars is 100% AMAZING.)

We came home and made our weekly Walking Dead treat, which this week was nutella and banana crepes and sparkling cide. / Jake decided to carry Trixie downstiars like this. The best part was he kept stopping to walk to my mom and Trixie didn't seem anxious at all to get out of her sling. She just sat there patiently while they chatted hahah. Such a weird one, that dog.

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10 comments on "thanksgiving festivities"
  1. Those star photos need to be printed on some Galaxy leggings, dude. They're great. Also your dog is precious.

  2. I seriously love that cupcake picture. You're so right. Someone should paint that and make an abstract art piece. Dibs.

  3. This looks like a wonderful wonderful tgiving. Also, husband packing the nintendo hahahaha. love that. Also, your star pics are super great.

    1. hahaha boys. they pack what we wouldn't and it's great!!!

  4. I have running dreams toooooo! ...And, like yours, they will probably stay a dream. Ha. Those cupcakes look amazing. I'm kinda disappointed that you guys didn't eat all of them. I think I probably would have ;) haha. I think that also contributes to my 'running dream' thing. I like cupcakes way too much.

    1. haha we had to share with family! otherwise, i probably could have eaten them all lol

  5. Your teacher's photos are amaaazing! Breathtaking.. That is so cool, I would like to learn how to take star pictures, too.

  6. Ugh! Wanna see Interstellar so badly.
    Aw, little tiny smiling Gwen. She was seriously so happy to see you, ha!
    Laughed out loud at the photo of you two and the Native American
