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a happy list: 41

Monday, December 1, 2014
Monday night's crescent moon / When my sister-in-law texted me that Jake looks like Gray Damon and I laughed out loud in a waiting room and couldn't stop / Watching Elf and drinking hot chocolate at work / Jake's pamper night / Date night seeing Interstellar and getting cupcakes from Twentyfive Main Cafe / My mom buying a sewing machine / Spending time with my bb during the break from school / Meeting up with my cute bloggie friend, Beverly (and her cute baby that smiles soooo much) / Getting some new clothes on Black Friday / The Ruth's Chris sweet potato casserole Jake's aunt brought to Thanksgiving dinner

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Something funny Jake said this week…
Jake: "Welcome to bae village where all are welcome but non-baes."

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That picture is us on Thanksgiving! I have so many pictures that I need to throw together, but where's the time, ya know? This year Jake and I are going to try to put together our study guides BEFORE finals week, so that week we can just study them. It's probably what everyone else does haha. But, we haven't done that way yet, and I'm guessing it saves a ton of time and is more productive.

I'll be back here one day with a photo-overload (and don't even ask how many unread posts there are on my Bloglovin' feed haha), but for now, happy December 1st! It's officially my favorite month of the year! Have a good week!

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