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Lindsey Pengelly Inspired Hair Tutorial

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
If you read this title and were like, "who?" then STOP READING AND CLICK HERE. Is she not the babe to end all babes? Srsly. I am obsessed with her hair! She has extensions (obviously). I am always on and off about extensions. Some days I really think I should get them to have thicker braids. Other days, I like being able to tell people that my hair is all mine.

I can't decide! I just don't like when people are like, "Oh your hair is gorgeous. Is it real?" And the person is like, "No I have extensions." And the other person is like, "Oh." Like it some how discredits how gorgeous their hair is because they have extensions? Or like people will be talking about a girl with pretty hair and say, "She has extensions, though." Like it's a bad thing? 

Idk. Is it a bad thing?! I can't decide if I want to get them or not because I don't know what the general consensus is!

Ok anyway, so I saw Lindsey do this braid and decided to try it sans extensions and see if I could still get fairytale princess volume. I think I did ok? 

I mean, it's obviously not as volumous as hers. But for everyday outings I like a little less dramatic volume. 

Anyway, idk. Should I get extensions or nah? Like is it on the same page as people who get like size X boob implants? Or is it just like something a lot of people do?


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