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Weekend Happenings!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Goodmorning everybody! The past weekend we both had to work on Saturday which sucked, so we didn't get to explore as much as we usually do.

On Friday night we got some good news, so to celebrate we went to Blockheads! We were dying because we were sitting inside and it was SO LOUD. Like, we thought that by sitting inside it would be quieter than on the street but noooo. If you follow me on Snapchat (@emmy_jake) then you know what I'm talking about!

The chips and salsa was so good! I got a tofu taco and a butternut squash taco. Next time I would just stick with the tofu. The tortilla it was served on was so good too. A+ A+ A+. Also Jake said his steak quesadilla was the best he has ever had haha. 

Can you even handle this sock monkey wall?! #amazing

I obviously can't handle not getting dessert, so we tried the concrete at Shake Shack. I'm not the biggest ice cream person, so I probably wouldn't get it again.

Saturday we both had to work (boo) but I did get some good news after leaving work so naturally we had to celebrate! We went to EJ's Luncheonette again and this time I got the crunchy french toast which was DELICIOUS. Jake got another burger and loved it.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to share all this good news with you guys in a few weeks, but needless to say we have some super exciting changes coming up!

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P.S. All pictures taken with this wide angle lens and edited with VSCO Agfa 800-

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