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June - Month In Review

Thursday, June 30, 2016

I'm trying out this month in review idea, so let's see if it sticks!

- This post talking about my thoughts on living outside of Utah and how I was right. I knew I would love it!
- Still proud of the hair I did here.
- These nails turned out better than I expected.


Broken Monsters: 9/10. The only thing I didn't like about this book were the metaphors. I wasn't sure if they were actual metaphors or just really creative writing. All in all it was a great read.


The Bachelorette: I don't know why I'm just starting this? But it's 100% television gold. Like, there are sooo many good one liners. I also can't believe guys like that exist? Like, where do the come from? Where have they been hiding??

Suits: I reluctantly started this with Jake but now I'm hooked. All I want in life is for Mike and Rachel to hook up. Oh, also every time I watch this I am like, "Yeah! I love New York!" and then I get on a subway that smells like pee and think, "Harvey is so happy because he doesn't have to deal with this."

Felicity: I watched this a while ago but never finished, so I have been starting again. I honestly feel like her life is my life, in regards to the New York struggle. I started watching it right after we moved here too so it's been interesting to see what she does with her New York struggles. ALSO LOL AT THEIR APARTMENTS. Like, they are going to be in huge debt when they graduate with their little 2 bedrooms in East Village. Come on, Hollywood.


If you guys aren't already following my Indie Chill playlist, then go follow it! I add all my new finds there. My top 3 favorites from this month are James Dean by Jr. Jr., No Scrubs (feat. Jon Santana) by Cappa, Anchor by Sophia Black.


- I got a new job! An actual 8-5, non-minimum wage job!
- We cemented our next few years and we're really happy about how it turned out.
- We booked our first Airbnb guest! Ha!

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