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I Was Right.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

I've started this post a bunch of different ways, but I guess I'm just not very good at writing right now. I just wanted to say something to the extent of: loving where I live is awesome. It's no secret I'm not a big fan of Utah. I didn't realize how depressed/anxious I had become there. It's been such an empowering feeling to be in love with my surroundings. I'm so glad Utah can be that for other people, because it's truly an amazing feeling.

On some days, I'm just like, "What is my life? I'm having a picnic in Central Park?" Like, this is the stuff people plan for a vacation and I'm just like chillin' on a Sunday afternoon. I honestly couldn't be happier that I have the greatest husband in the world who just up and moved across the country with me. I don't know where I would be without his chill-ness. I basically get to make all the decisions for our lives (minus a few compromises) and I just can't handle how awesome he is to go along with my crazy ideas.

This took a weird turn, but I guess I'm just glad I was right about my prediciton. I always thought I would be happier if I lived outside of Utah, and I had so many people try to convince me that Utah was a one-place-fits-all. I even started doubting myself and my plans for the future. So, I'm glad that after all is said and done, I was right. I can now feel the way about New York (and other places, too!) that some other people feel about Utah. I love that everyone is different and every personality fits in different lifestyles. It's so cliche to talk about *InDiViDuAlItY* but I think the reason why everyone talks about it so much is because not a lot of people remember that everyone is in fact different. Sometimes it's hard when someone doesn't like something you like, but it's important to remember that you can still be their friend and find things you have in common.

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