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Christmas In New York City!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
This weekend we went into New York City to see all the Christmas things! I feel like SO. MANY. MOVIES. take place in New York at Christmastime. This was our first time back there since the summer and it felt GOOD to be able to walk around without dripping sweat lol. I probably wouldn't go back to New York in the summer again to be honest!

(Oh, and a little tip, if you use the app Spot Hero, you can find parking in Manhattan for like $12 a day. We always thought parking was like $60 and that we had to take the train which is like $30 round trip per person, but noooo! Our whole day in New York was done for around $50! Idk about you guys but we are pretty frugal (#studentlife) so this is like, the best discovery we have ever made. Bring on the New York weekend trips!!

I miss these pretty streets! I seriously think it's prettier than anything in the world.

It was so fun to see everyone's Christmas cuteness. I am happy that there is no grinch going around like, ruining it for everyone else. You would think that in a city that big there would be some jerk who would cut the Christmas lights or something lol.

I have been experimenting with different shutter speeds and I really love the blurry look. 

The window displays were seriously amazing. The windows at Bergdorf Goodman were our fave. I lol at these little green apes. I want one!

Blair Waldorf? You in there?!

How cute is that candy door frame?! 

We walked into Saks and it was SO PRETTY. Can you imagine working here every day? I mean I'm sure you would get annoyed of customers, but how freaking pretty is that ceiling?!

The Rockefeller Center was crazy crowded! But look how pretty and tall that Christmas tree is omg. Does anyone know how they get it there? Like I am so confused.

We stopped in for some hot chocolate at Gregory's Coffee. (Side note: We found a Dean and Deluca on Google Maps, but it has since been shut down and they are turning it into a By Chloe!! Like it sucks that it wasn't there, but I am excited that all the people in that area are getting a By Chloe! It's seriously the yummiest place.)

Jake didn't like the hot chocolate here lol. He seriously like only likes Swiss Mix and I'm like ????? But it was so good and creamy! It kind of tasted like it had coconut in it or something too which was delish.

We went to the Union Square holiday market! It was so cute! There were some pretty cool booth too. Right after we took this picture we heard dogs barking and were like, "THERE ARE DOGS NEAR." There was a dog park like right above this, so we went and watched the dogs for easily 10 minutes lol. There was this super cute black dog that looked exactly like my friend Jovanna's dog except in black! Any ideas what it could be?!

We went and found my school! It was cool to see what's around it. I don't know why we never did this when we lived there this summer? But whatever lol. The door was locked so I just peeked in. It made me so excited to start school! I don't know how many semesters I'll take in the NYC campus (I have 5) but I am excited to do my first semester there. It will be fun to get to go into New York once a week and get some food and just explore.

Washington Square was like super empty and it was so weird lol. Especially after being in huge crowds at Union Square and on 5th Avenue.

I was hoping to get a good photo for our Christmas photo this year, but I feel like we look too casual haha. But also the sun sets at 4:30pm and we leave for Tokyo on Friday... So this is probably the best I am going to get before Christmas this year!

For dinner we went to San Marzano in East Village. The portions are small, but also only $9. I got the pear and gorgonzola ravioli and it was SO GOOD. Jake said if we went back he would get my dish lol. 

We went home after that! It's fun to be able to experience New York but also live in the suburbs and have a car! Gosh especially now knowing that parking isn't like $60 I feel like we will be doing it more! 

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