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Give Me Your Forever

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ok so first of all I went through my closet and am getting rid of TONS of clothes. Like bags and bags and bags. I am waiting to sell them at a garage sale, but if you want to come look through them before that then just text me/email me. We'll probably do a garage sale next summer before we move. 

Second all, I got this shirt for our anniversary pictures, but then it was raining so we had to cancel. But I have realized that I need more "professional" clothing. 

Third of all, go to and register. My lovely lovely LOVELY friend Leah told me about this website. You can collect "coins" every day on their website and redeem them on the 24th of each month! They are each worth $1. I registered and then forgot about it until I got an email from them saying they gifted me 100 COINS. So, I basically had to only pay shipping for this skirt! Free things FTW! I am in serious need of new clothes, so any recommendations of good places to shop would be very welcome. 

Shirt from H&M
Skirt from ifChic

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8 comments on "Give Me Your Forever"
  1. My favorite places to shop are Soel Boutique and Called to Surf in the Riverwoods! Cutest stores ever, Soel is a little in the pricey end though so be warned. My shopping there mainly consists of just looking and wishing haha. also that website sounds really cool! I'm all about getting free stuff as well!

    1. I love Soel! So expensive though. Maybe when I get my real job! And yes, definitely check out that website!

  2. wait yes! I just got a sweater from ifchic (for free) and it's the third month I've gotten free clothes. i'm wondering how much longer this can go on before they go out of business ..... haha. I'll take it!!!

    1. Haha right!? Clothes in China are actually SUPER cheap, and their prices are pretty high. So maybe they make enough off of regular sales to do the coins? Who knows lol. I'm sure they do it though!

  3. i signed up! now what!? you are amazing for sharing that site!

    xo, k

    1. Yay! Enjoy! And say thanks to Leah because she is the one who showed me!

  4. Love the skirt! Such a beautiful skirt! Your pics are adorable girl! <3
    xoxo, Vitri
