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I'll Be Yours Forever, Just Tell Me When To Start

Thursday, June 4, 2015
I don't know why this happened. But it did. Her back legs in this first picture are the best.

This picture was taken at 11:42 a.m...

This picture was taken at 11:43 a.m...


I am trying to make myself more photogenic and less awkward feeling. So, alas. A photo without Trixie or a stupid face.

Ok how funny is Trixie? Like, I had just let her in and called her into the room after she was eating. Apparently eating just really takes it out of you. Like she literally just collapsed and started napping. I can't imagine that postition was comfortable, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do... right? Lol. I'm going to miss this little nug when we move to NYC! 

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