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The One With All The Cleavage

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I love making videos ha. Thanks for giving me an excuse to make one and for giving me something to do with all my time, Leah. I nominate Beverly, Riley, Laura, Kiely, Jovanna, (and whoever else wants to make one) to make a post/video/whatever telling 10 things their friends might now know about them.! :)

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P.S. Sorry for the cleavage. Also, sorry for my constant jumping of subjects. I started to edit it so it would flow coherently, but this is how I actually talk so I decided to just leave it lol!
22 comments on "The One With All The Cleavage"
  1. You are so cute!! and your hair is so pretty!!


  2. My god, YOU ARE THE CUTEST. I also love your shirt!

  3. Wait. Are we the same person? I don't know how to swim, I don't like ice cream, and I'm super stoked I'm tagged in this!

    1. WE ARE THE SAME. And yes, I'm excited to read your ten things!

  4. You are so adorable! :) I loved seeing you in a video because now I feel way more like you're a real person haha. Not that I didn't think you were, but like . . . idk it's fun to see bloggers' personalities on camera since that's not usually the way you see them, you know? Am I making sense? Haha okaybyenow :)

    1. I know what you mean! It's fun to people's mannerisms and hear their voice because then you can read the post in their voice! At least that what I think. I love when bloggers make videos too haha.

  5. Ok, first off, your HAIR. How??!? I feel like we started growing our hair out/stopped using heat tools around the same time, and it started out the same length, but yours is like a gorgeous foot longer than mine now. Jealous. Not that it matters, since I literally wear it in a top bun 6 days of the week. Oops. I'm excited you tagged me in this! I'll probably copy your video idea (if I'm feelin' brave one day and I'm not a hot, humid mess).

    1. YES PLZ MAKE A VIDEO. Also I take two biotin pills every day (thanks Mila) and I used to do a coconut oil hair mask every Sunday and only wash my hair once a week! Idk if that helps but I searched the internet long and hard for how to grow out my hair so if these tips help you then yay!

    2. Haha, those are all the things I do for MY hair. I guess you just have better hair-growth genes (also, I literally just remembered that I go a hair trim while I was in Utah, hahaha). I also wanted to tell you that I also check on flights every day, and I never miss a day checking Groupon's "getaway" section. One time I checked that page and there were trips to Italy selling at $599, all inclusive! Airfare, hotels, food, rental car . . . everything included in that price. Unfortunately, the tickets were basically sold out by the time I saw it. So anyway, add Groupon to your list of sites to check on the daily.

    3. Hahaha. Oh and also I don't trim my hair, I just cut the strand individually when I see a split end which is weird about me but oh well haha. I did add groupon to my list of sites to check! Thanks for the tip!

  6. i give u an A+ for this excellently adorable video. Yes make a video about being vegetarian! Make more videos in general! Also, I hate south park too. grrrrrrr.

  7. ok also I just realized, I think Stephen and I sort of have a language too? I never really thought about it. "flone" = cell phone. "terp" = trip. "bert" = bird. "sloak" = take a bath. "ray romano" = stingray. "veggable" = vegetable. "slauce" = sauce. "taking care of the boops" = cleaning out the litterbox. like everything has a weird alternate way of saying that we have slowly evolved. and we use verbal abbreviations for our favorite junk food items, like 5LB (five layer burrito from taco bell). and I always get mad when the words get autocorrected when we text. hahaha this is embarrassing

    1. I love that sting rays are "ray romano" in your language haha. Couple languages ftw!

  8. Such a cute video and your eyes and hair are just gorgeous! I don't know how to swim either... all I can do is float. So pretty much I could keep myself from not drowning but that's all. And excuse me but you don't like ice cream????!!! How can that possibly be? Anyway this was a great idea and I love it when people post things like this... like 10 things about me type lists and such because I always love hearing fun facts about people.

    1. I've never had someone tell me my eyes are gorgeous before so thank you for being the first!! I'm glad I'm not the only adult who can't swim lol. And ah I don't know! I don't like cold things on my teeth? But I do like froyo. And sometimes I can eat ice cream if it's with like a brownie or cake or something. Also I tag you like, now to make a video/post like this!!!

  9. when i met you, i thought your voice was adorable. yup, still do. okay em, redemption you at least like froyo????? your scatterbrainedness makes this video, so funny! i hate the sound of dogs licking toooooo, and people chewing with their mouth open which is the human equivalent! I GOT A SHOUT OUT ON YOUR BLOG. i have been waiting all my life for this moment! yay, i'm getting a new camera next week that has video and i'm pumped that i have a video to film now!

    xo, k
    pocket of blossoms

    1. I do like froyo! Mochi are my flavorite!!! Haha! I'm glad you enjoyed the shout out and I'm excited to see your video!!!!

  10. My favorite thing is your chin shelf because I do that all the time hahaha

    ALSO I literally JUST learned how to swim so that's funny hahahahha

    We are both dramatic I feel because I have so many obsessions and it's probably not normal?? I dunno. I'm glad we're friends.

    Literal lol at the three things you don't understand because, same.

    How much you hate south park SAMMMME

    Also I watched this twice and I swear the first time you said you don't love ice cream which is weird because I also don't love ice creaM???!?

    =====we're the same. thanks bye.

    1. Ah why is my email not sending me your comments?!
      - I didn't know it was called a chin shelf but that is sooooo good.
      - TWINS FTW.
