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Camping! Yay!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
I wrote this whole post and then my internet stopped working and I refreshed the page and lost ALL my work! Ugh!

Anyway, we finally went camping! We have seriously been trying to go for what feels like so long. The chocolate shop is busier on the weekends so FML because that's when I get scheduled. I have nothing Monday-Friday so I would love to work the weekdays and have the weekend off because that's when Jake has work off! But, c'est la vie. I think I am just going to try to switch some of the girls. 

Anyway, we just went up to Deer Creek since I worked on Friday and had a shoot on Saturday. It was close enough that we could get to all our things but still go! 

I literally can not resist a Coke with my name on it. 

Chips are a camping tradition! I DEVOUR THESE. I opened this on Friday night and finished it on Saturday night all by myself. Gross haha. But salt and vinegar is my jam!

Our fire fell over after this :( and we spent the rest of the evening trying to get a nice, consistent fire going. We eventually got it going ok and started the roasting!

My mom has been wanting me to roast a Peep for forever. So, I finally did and it was pretty good! It was definitely way better than a regular Peep!

The next morning we went to Heber for breakfast since we don't have any camp cooking things yet and we didn't want to eat hot dogs for breakfast haha. We went to Chick's Cafe! There was this guy sitting in the same room as us and he had the grossest cough! It was seriously so loud and you could just like visualize all the phlegm coming up every time he coughed. And he kept like clearing his throat and it sounded all wet and just GROSS. We were like, "Why are you here? You are literally dying! Go to the hospital!" Haha no, just kidding. But like, seriously I don't know how he enjoyed his meal because he sounded so bad. 

Anyway, it kind of grossed me out for the rest of the time we were there to be honest! But my cinnamon roll was so good and so was my hot chocolate. Jake liked his food too, and it only cost us like $12 haha! So, a very good deal, but before I go next time I am going to be scoping it out for people with disgusting coughs haha. 

Then we went home and ordered a double sleeping bag on Amazon! I'm way excited for it to get here. Right now we have to bring two sleeping bags and then a bunch of blankets and it's a pain. 

Also, we are getting rid of our huge 9-person tent and getting a 2-3 tent. So, if you or someone you know are in the market for a tent let me know! It's only been used 4-5 times! *edited because I definitely said "sleeping bag" instead of "tent" when I first published this. I used the wrong word not once, not twice, but THREE times you guys. Omg. The struggle is real.*

Overall it was a v good weekend! I'm way excited to start my new job in August, because I'm pretty sure it's like a Monday-Friday 9-5 sort of thing and then we can go camping every weekend! YAY CAMPING.

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7 comments on "Camping! Yay!"
  1. Ok, I need to start camping. I've decided.

    1. YES RILEY. YES. So this is why you have been texting me about camping grounds!

  2. 9 person sleeping bag????? I should buy it for Ryan and his family- 7 kids, two parents. Too cute! ha!! Camping is the bomb. I need to find some good places around here to camp this summer. Also I've decided to make breakfast for dinner this evening because of Jake's food photo, so thanks.

    1. OMG I AM AN IDIOT. Definitely meant to write tent hahahahahahahaha. Freudian slip because I have wanted a double sleeping bag for so long and we just got one. And you're welcome. Breakfast for dinner is always a good idea.

  3. constantly swooning over all of your adorable adventures with j! while i'm not one for camping really (bugs, darkness, things that go bump in the night are just a few woes!), your constant camping / hiking posts make me want to try and get over my fear!


    1. Yes yes! You should! I still get creeped sometimes but that's why we have manly men to protect us haha. (Also we bring knives..) hahaha

  4. There is nothing better than roasting marshmallows on a fire. I love your pictures and am slightly jealous that you've found you name on a coke bottle
