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Trixie In Park Heaven

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Ok so I just want to start this post off by saying I LOVE the Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S Nikkor Wide Angle Zoom Lens. You guys... it's seriously amazing. It will definitely be the next lens I purchase! I rented it for a wedding I photographed and got to keep it over the weekend. We went on a picnic on Sunday, so I brought it along and WOW. I fell in love with it even more! You can rent it from Allen's Camera for like $35 a day, so if you're into photography definitely go check it out to experience ultimate awesomeness and GORGEOUS pictures. 

Anyway, on to the real post. So, Chewy was nice enough to send Trixie some Backcountry 96% beef canned dog food this month! Since she is so old (15 years!) I've noticed she doesn't like hard things as much as she used to. She will still eat them, but it just takes her longer than it did when she was a young pup. She will take like one dog food at a time instead of multiple ha! So, I'm excited to spoil her with soft dog food for dinner this month!

I was showing the lens to my sister and she took this of me. I'm so photogenic. I know haha. But also my hair is on day 7 in this picture, and I am v proud that it can go 7 days without being washed and not be the grossest thing on all earth. I mean, it's pretty gross (hence the hat) but not the grossest, ya know?

Trixie enjoying her dog food! I gave her the whole can and she couldn't even eat it all haha. So, needless to say, she will be able to have a delicious dinner every day this month at that rate!

Jake found a "big person swing" on the playground hahahaha. I seriously crack up just looking at this picture. He pushed me in it and I totally freaked out! I'm not a roller coaster person and for some reason the swing made me feel EXACTLY like I was on a roller coaster. My brother-in-law said my sister did the exact same thing, so at least I'm not alone haha!

Ok, LOOK AT HER FACE. You guys, she was in HEAVEN. Like, she was just running around the park, laying in different patches of shade, rolling around and loving life! I think we wiped her out because for the rest of the day she just slept! Anyway, she is the queen and we are obsessed with her!

Special thanks to Chewy for being the best ever and sending Trix some delicious food! She is really in heaven these days with all her treats!

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10 comments on "Trixie In Park Heaven"
  1. OMG that ice cream cone dish! Is it plastic? I mean, it has to be, right? I bought 4 ceramic (I think?) ones at the Dollar Tree like, a decade ago, and they looked JUST like that – just with different colored ice cream scoops. I wonder what ever happened to those? Hmm.

  2. Ah the 24-70 mm is next on my list too! ultimate wedding lens. We are like, kindred photo spirits. .. But YIKES it's expensive. Maybe next year hahaha.

    1. RIGHT! I keep a bookmark tab hoping to find it cheaper but I don't think it's going to happen haha.

  3. Holy cute. Doggy smiles melt my heart.

  4. your dog is adorable!
