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A Happy List: 69

Monday, June 8, 2015
Banburry cross donuts!

Meeting a new friend, Jovanna! Thanks again for second shooting with me!

Jake = the cutest bb.

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Finally getting a double sleeping bag! / Jake putting Trixie on me every morning before he leaves. / The rain on Friday morning. / The cute baby that came up and said "hi" to me on my break. / Watching fireworks from the car and the smiley face firework. / People's reactions to when I said 9-person sleeping bag instead of 9-person tent. Lol. / The drive to Sundance. / Everything about my friend's wedding and photographing it. / Going to dinner with my inlaws. / Listening to The Early November while driving home at night in the rain.

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Here are some funny things people said this week.

Jake (while laying in our double sleeping bag): "Let's try out our sleeping positions! Assume Position!"

Riley (while talking about how she was confused about the 9-person sleeping bag): "I was like A.) I don't even have 9 people in my life I like, let alone want to sleep next to all zipped up. B.) What." I was seriously crying laughing so hard at our texting conversation. 

So, I got home from work really late at night and was cooking dinner. I turned on the oven to preheat and heard something weird. I opened the door and the oven was on fire! Like, there were literal flames! I started yelling, "Mom! Mom!!!!! There's a fire in the oven!!!" and she was there in literally like 5 seconds. She looked at it for a second and then was like, "It's fine." and goes back to bed!! I was so confused but I guess something had just fallen to the floor and caught on fire? Anyway, she was like, "I can't believe you pulled me out of such a deep sleep!" Like, she went from being in her room in a deep sleep to being in the kitchen in literally probably like 5 second. Sooooo funny.

Ok, so I was talking to my mom on the phone and she told me she had come to see me at work a few days ago, but the shop was closed. So she just stood by the windows watching me, then took a picture, and then left! She was like, "I don't know why I did that!!! And I've been meaning to tell you but I haven't seen you for a few days!"

Jake: "Ok are we in the eighteenth century? I mean why don't they have lights on the freeway ya know?"

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Here are some internet things to make you happy. I love this quote by Ghandi. / I am obsessed with mini horses now. / These elderly people doing street art are amazing. / This sloth getting a belly rub is my favorite thing. / Ok sorry for the scandolous pictures of Kim Kardashian, but this pug recreating them is SO FUNNY. People are the best. / 

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12 comments on "A Happy List: 69"
  1. Ok Mark and I have tried to go to Banbury cross so many times and every time we go they are almost totally sold out! Haha it's so stupid. ALSO I just started laughing so hard thinking of that picture you sent me of all the random guys that would fit in the sleeping bag hahahahah

    1. Argh! I know how you feel. I have been trying to get their blueberry donut for SO LONG and every time I go they don't have it!

  2. omg those doughnuts look soooo good. also, I was SO CONFUSED when I read your post about the 9-person sleeping bag. hahaha. a 9-person tent makes more sense, but still! that thing must be huge! I think you said you got a tent already, but on the off chance you haven't, I have a great recommendation for a 3-person tent that we use, it's super easy to set up!

  3. hahah 9 person sleeping bag. k I agree, there is maybe like 4 people I would be cool being zipped up tight with but 9? nope. and wow I love your header fyi. it's like really cool!! and lastly, your mom seems really funny! I'm surprised she was so chill about the little oven fire hahah!
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like it! And my mom is HILARIOUS!

  4. haha true to its name, this post just made me SO happy! dying at the 9-person sleeping bag comments, and also at your mom just stopping by work and snapping some pics! haha love it.


    1. Yay I'm glad! I know, my mom is so strange haha.

  5. Aye, those donuts! DROOL. I never got one for national donut day :/ We've gotta get donuts next time we see each other. But also a lot of times before that.

    1. We should! I wish you came out here more often! Or that I went to Arizona!

  6. Oh my gosh! Blog stalking now and I run into myself being as awkward as ever. You are so sweet!! I can't wait till we meet up again IRL ;)

    1. OMG you are rockin' it in that pic. And yes!! We need to soon!
