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I'm Forgetting Everything!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ok, so the main point of this post is that eShakti redid their site and it's crazy amazing with lots of cute things and they wanted to give you guys $35 off your order! So, enter "thelittlediary35" to get a discount and treat yo'self BUT HURRY BECAUSE IT WILL EXPIRE ON SUNDAY. 

Here are my favorite things. All of which will cost you less than $10 because of the code! So, get to it!

(Find them here, here, and here.)

The second point of this post is that I have been forgetting everything lately! So, here's what happened. I am trying out this eyelash growth serum and so I haven't been wearing eye makeup. I'm going to try to go for a month (minus special occassion days) without eyemakeup and see if my eyelashes have grown or not! Ok, so with that being that I still want to wear a little something which is where my favorite red lipstick comes in. When I don't wear eyemakeup I usually will still wear lipstick or something, just so you know, it actually looks like I put some effort into getting ready.

HOWEVER I LOST MY LIPSTICK. You guys, I have NO idea where it is!!! I have seriously looked everywhere. I wanted to take new pictures in my skirt for this post but I couldn't find my lipstick so I waited and then forgot to post this! Ha! Anyway, I ordered a new tube and it should be here any day. 

Hopefully this one lasts me! I bought one last May, lost it, bought a new one, then lost it last week, and now I'm buying another. Worst. Maybe one day in the future there will be like, little tracking things you can put on your favorite items so you can't lose them!

I decided to try some new editing techniques on this picture that the lovely Mila took for us on our last anniversary! We didn't get pictures this year in time, so I'm thinking maybe I'll try to take a few with a tripod, so wish me luck!

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P.S. If you're wondering why the code is "thelittlediary" it's because that's what my blog name used to be. This blog has had many, MANY, names haha. I think I'll be satisfied with what it is now for a while though.

11 comments on "I'm Forgetting Everything!"
  1. Ah I miss shopping! Haha nothing fits right now with this massive preggo belly lol but after baby comes and I can fit in my clothes again I hope you collaborate with such cute brands then too so I can have cute clothes again haha!

  2. There IS a little tracking device you can buy and put it on your favorite things. Then you track them with an app on your phone! (So hopefully you don't lose your phone...?) my mom was telling me about it a few days ago. No idea what it is called, but it does exist!

    1. Ok I just looked those up and they look awesome. I think they are called Tiles. They should make baby ones people could put on small things like glasses and lipstick!

  3. That middle is dress!

    Also, you're a braver woman than I. Eye lash growth serum?! Something I need, but also something I feel like I'm terrified to put near my eyes. Srsly can't wait to read how it turns out for youuu.

    1. Haha I'll make sure to post some before and after.

  4. haha your scatterbrained-ness is adorable!!!

    xo, k

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. AH. I just found your blog, and I have three things to say:
    1. CUTEST blog design. That picture at the top is a dream.
    2. You rock bangs better than anyone I've ever met. I tried them out once aaaaand we'll just say i'm thankful my hair grows quickly.
    3. I am jealous of your ability to pull off bright lip colors! I'm so intimidated by them.
    i can't wait to keep seeing your updates!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like that picture because I did it! Also bought this design but then changed a lot of it, so I'm glad it looks good. Also THANK YOU. Sometimes I wonder if my bangs are like, too much? So THANK YOU. And just try the bright lip colors! I bet you could do it!
