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A Happy List: 70

Monday, June 15, 2015

(This is me with my friend who looks exactly like Zooey Deschanel and is also whose wedding I photographed!)

When people I know visit me or accidentally come into my work. / When Trixie positions herself on her bed so she can sleep directly facing me... and then watches me until she falls asleep. / These people were outside my work giving away hugs, stickers, and balloons! They were blowing bubbles everywhere and writing positive messages on the ground in sidewalk chalk "just because". / When Barefoot Blonde emailed me back (!!) and had a really good response to what I said. / The LOL gifts my father-in-law got for his 50th birthday. / Hearing stories about my niece being mean to my mom and sister haha. I probably shouldn't laugh at her half as much as I do, but little kids being sassy is a weak spot for me. I assume I'll get over it fast when it's my own kids who are being sassy. / Miniature bottles of Martenelli's. I call them a "party for one". / Finally getting some cute stationary and post cards for snail mail with Autumn! / The way the world smells after it rains. / Jake giving me a foot massage.

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Here are some funny things people said this week:

I was talking to a lady I met while walking Trixie about how people spend so much money to keep their animals alive. She said, "I know, you just do it though. You do it because they're just little people. Little people with coats."

(My mom was gardening.)
Me: "How's your ho?"
My mom: "You think your so funny! This is a true ho Emily, not the kind you guys say!"

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Here are some internet things to make you happy. / Ok so these are technically "sad animal facts" but they made me laugh so I'm including them! / Ok newborn bunnies! You win! / My friend's Boston apartment is actually the most perfect thing in the world. / I love this shoot for so many reasons. First of all, I love Jaci Marie Photography. Second of all, I love Lucky Blue Smith and Pyper America. Third of all, I love that they are siblings. Fourth of all, the styling is perfect.

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10 comments on "A Happy List: 70"
  1. You look awesome! Your bangs want my bangs to be bangs again.

  2. That flower picture is my favoritest. Also I love those mini martinellis bottles but I can never find them!!! Where do you get them?

  3. I love your blog, it is always so entertaining and full of creativity!!! Sending love!

  4. Girl, you look exactly like Zooey!!!
