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A Happy List: 72

Monday, June 29, 2015
I kind of want to start titling my posts like Friend's episodes. So, let's pretend this one is called "The One Where Everyone Thought They Were Naked."

So, I posted this picture on Instagram and people were having mini heart attacks because they thought we were naked hahaha. You can see my pajama shorts and Jake's shirt if you look close enough, but the thought that people thought I (of all people) would post a picture naked in bed has me rolling hahahahaha. I guess I had an unfortunate clothing choice of a pajama short/tank top set. LOLOLOLOL. / Three story park. / When we ride the scooter past someone's sprinklers and I get a little mist in my face. / Swimming in Jake's aunt's pool (She's the nicest!!!). / When Trixie is a rag doll. / SPITZ. So good. / Exploring the other side of the lake at Tibble Fork. / My mom telling me I can reorganize her iPhoto library. / Getting a free chocolate milk. / Getting to spend all weekend with my best friend!!!!!!

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There were many funny things said this weekend, but I didn't keep track. Anyway, it was a good week and we had so much fun on our little anniversary vacation! 

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8 comments on "A Happy List: 72"
  1. I used to title all my posts like friends episodes! For like a year (2013) :)

    Also, happy anniversary!! :)

  2. Happy anniversary to you guys! I can see your shorts in the picture lol.

    I have a summer linkup if you wanna join! :D

    1. Haha I'm glad :) and I would join your linkup but I actually am not a big fan of summer ha! Do one for Winter though and I will be all over it :)

  3. haha! Did you know that "#aftersexselfie" is a legit thing? Gross. Also, it would be funny if you were naked in just those socks. Ha!
