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A Happy List: 68

Monday, June 1, 2015
I've done a happy list every Monday without missing one for a year now. Yay!

The first camping trip of the season! FINALLY. / The way my bathroom smells when I accidentally leave my straightener on. / Finally roasting a Peep lol. / This playlist. / Plowing through so many episodes of The Office! Like, what is this time we have?! Isn't there homework or something that should be stealing it all from us? / The girls I work with haha. They are so funny. / Jake cleaning the house. / Finally getting Bertolli Balsalmic Glaze... even if I did have to order it on Amazon. Ha! / The way Trixie greets us when we come home. / Buying lemonade from my primary kid's lemonade stand.

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Here are some funny things people said this week.

My mom: "Ok, I wasn't trying to listen in, but you talk to Trixie SO MUCH."

My mom to the sample lady at Costco: "I decided to go with this one!"
Sample lady: "You go gurl! You go!"

Jake: (After saying goodbye to my mom as she left to go to dinner.) "I felt like a parent just then. Sending my child out with friends."

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Here are some internet things to make you happy. Lol do you remember the sad vacation guy I posted about a while ago? Well, he won another vacation and took his wife and baby with him this time. I love the before and after pictures haha. / I love these pixelated tattoos so so much. / This dog and his tongue are GOLD. / I love this girl's 100 Days Without Fear idea! I identify with so many of them. Especially of using a public bathroom. / Ok, squirrel holding an umbrella. You win.

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5 comments on "A Happy List: 68"
  1. Hahaha! The stuff your family says!

  2. Woah, every Monday?! I wish I had that sort of dedication! Ha go you! :D I want to go camping so bad! I might have to convince some friends to come away for the weekend when the weather is nice! Your family is awesome hahaha.
