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Strawberry Baes

Tuesday, June 23, 2015
We finally went to Strawberry Days! (See what I did there?) We were basically there for the sole purpose of getting strawberries and cream and it did NOT disappoint.

Also, I was putting together our San Francisco photo book the other day (don't let your pictures die as jpegs!!!!) and I realized that most of my pictures are of things. It's not necessarily bad, but just boring? Like I was looking through them and my favorite pictures were the ones that had all of us in them, or at least ones that had someone. I just feel really awkward being in pictures. And asking Jake to take pictures of me. And asking strangers to take pictures of me and Jake. BUT THOSE ARE THE BEST/MOST INTERESTING/CUTEST. So, I decided I just need to grow some lady balls and do it. 

So, alas. Here we are at Strawberry Days. You can expect to see more pictures of us WITH things, instead of just the things. I'm excited. I'm pretty sure my kids are going to be like, "Ok nice pizza, but what did you look like back then? Did you wear ______ (whatever bad trend is happening today that we won't know about until the future)?" So, even though it's awkward I want to be able to look back on pictures and see what we were like! And make fun of what we were wearing and my hair and whatever else it is that people regret when they look back on old pictures of themselves.

Anyway, that was a tangent, but it's just been something I've been thinking about lately. So, yay! I'm excited for this new goal!

I usually don't post pictures of my family on here, but their faces are hidden so I'm doing it. Look at how cute my niece was haha. Her little hat! I can't get over it. Also she keeps using her middle finger to point to things instead of her pointer finger and it's the funniest thing ever. I don't know what she's doing in this picture but look at her middle finger! Ha!

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11 comments on "Strawberry Baes"
  1. So what do you save your files as if not jpegs? :)

    1. Lol I definitely save them as jpegs, the saying just means to like, do something with your pictures like hang them up or frame them or give them as gifts. Cause then they aren't "dying as jpegs" they are getting used. :)

    2. OH HAHAHA. I gotcha ;) but seriously I've heard that saving in the jpeg format isn't the best way, but i haven't researched it yet, so I thought you had! hahah :) silly me.

  2. Lovely, bright photos! I have the same problem when taking photos...I was editing our photos from our trip to DC this past weekend and I didn't take any of us on my camera, I did on my phone but the quality wasn't great. I really need to be more confident and just have fun taking photos!

    1. Yes that's exactly what happens to me! Let me know if you find any ways to make it easier haha! I need all the tips I can get!

  3. strawberries and cream during strawberry days is a MUST! ;) you guys are so cute!

  4. I totally agree about taking pics of people with the things! Because you can search google for pics of anything, but you can't search google for pics of you WITH things! Haha good luck with your new goal :)

  5. Yay strawberry days! I am so sad we were out of town and didn't get to go this year :( are you guys rodeo go-ers?? The strawberry days rodeo is my favorite. Also you remind me of my grandma... She also has millions of pictures of 'things' and not people. Like for some reason she doesn't like people pictures hahah. Anyway, glad you are setting a goal to have more people in your pictures, because I agree, they are the more interesting ones!

    1. I'm not a big rodeo go-er! I used to go when I was little, but I haven't been in a while and don't really have a desire too. Idk though, maybe it would be fun! I just have weird memories of it from childhood so it kills the desire hahahaha. I've never been to like a big rodeo though, just little ones, so I should try it out!
