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spokane day 4

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
*I think I fixed all the stuff that was weird with the Internet Explorer view (squished photos, big photos, black background on the comment link), but if you're still experiencing weird views PLEASE TELL ME. And thanks to everyone who has let me know about stuff thus far. :)*

I apparently got day 4 and day 5 switched somehow. Brain overload! But anyways, here's day 4. While driving on a day previous, we saw a Jacob's Java! Obviously we had to go because A.) Things with your name on them are fun and B.) I spied some Ghiradelli cocoa pumps through the window, so HOT CHOCOLATE.

Also, this is my favorite road. Look at all those trees lining it! So beautiful.

We then went to the mall where my wonderful grandma bought me a new lipstick. I've been looking for just a light, natural pink (that doesn't look creepy) for a while now. I'm quite satisfied with what we found! Jake took like, twenty pictures while we were waiting for my uncle to meet us at the mall to see The Giver (!!!!), so here are some strange pictures. Please not the condition of my hair. I think it was on day 4. (I do wash my bangs every day, so don't be grossed out wondering what bacteria my forehead is harvesting.)

Also, it's important to note the beautiful diamond earrings my grandma passed down to me on this trip. They have a screw in back for extra security and it's safe to say I'm OBSESSED. Grandma's are the best!!

And lastly, I couldn't end this post without ranting about how amazing The Giver was. IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET SERIOUSLY GO AND SEE IT RIGHT NOW. It was awesome for multiple reasons, which I shall now explain in bulleted list format.
  • The filming was AMAZING. It was so visually creative and unique. Mega props to whoever's idea it was to film it that way.
  • The story is amazing! I love futuristic utopian societies, but this one goes above and beyond, because it's more realistic (dare I say that?) and also they think we are living badly now.
  • The ending!! I haven't read the book since I was a wee child, but I absolutely loved the way they ended it. Not sure if that's the way it ends in Lois Lowry's mind or not, but I thought they did a really good job.
Well folks, that's all for today. Also, a small reminder to try cotton candy grapes if you haven't already, because they will change the way you view deliciousness.

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1 comment on "spokane day 4"
  1. I want to go see that movie so bad now!! Obsessed with all of these things. Movies, diamond earings, HOT CHOCOLATE. Love. Looks like a blast girl!
