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spokane day 3

Friday, September 5, 2014
*If these pictures look really large or grainy, please let me know in the comments section! I'm still trying to perfect my template :)*

We started off the day with a scenic walk through Manito Park to Rockwood Bakery! All the little houses in there are so cute and unique. I would love to end up there one day!

There was the biggest willow tree in the middle of the park. I seriously felt like we were witnessing the Womping Willow.

Rockwood Bakery, folks! Sooo delicous and sooo cute. Jake got a ham and cheese croissant and a juice. I got a hot chocolate and cranberry orange scone (since I never got to try one at Starbuck's in my time there. The raspberry swirl cake was just too good, ya know?). My hot chocolate was seriously the most perfect temperature and so delicious. Another hit for the books!

So many scenic ponds and areas. I can't even!

After breakfast we got some flowers and went to visit my grandpa's grave. It's by far the highlight of every trip!

We went on a walk that night to a different cemetery by my grandma's house, but I'll save that post for tomorrow, because there were soooo many cool, old headstones I want to share!

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6 comments on "spokane day 3"
  1. These hot dog and hamburger pictures are awesome! I'm jealous of your adventures!

  2. the pictures have always looked fine to me (maybe you already fixed it, idk) but I use a pretty huge resolution on my laptop (I think the browser width ends up being like 1920px) so maybe I just haven't noticed. you NEED to share where you get your cute dresses! that orange one is, like, my ideal life-uniform. (does that make sense?)

    - Leah

    1. this one is from ebay! it was like, $7 lol. i just searched "modcloth" and bam. thanks girlie!

  3. Is that willow for real?? Haha that's amazing!! Your guys trip has looked so fun! I have never been to Spokane!

  4. That's where our friends lived - in front of Manito Park! Isn't it gorgeous?! We walked all over Central Park the other day and I kept thinking how it reminds me of the little Manito in Spokane :-D

    1. whaaaaaat! they are so lucky! that place is a dream! and i can definitely see manito being a tiny central park! how fun you guys are in nyc!!
