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a happy list: 31

Monday, September 22, 2014

Getting the stray cat to eat out of my hand!!! (It's slowly on it's way to becoming domesticated and my mother's pet) / When Jake brought me a Diet Coke with my name on it / Meeting Riley Jo in real life / Watching Ghost Town with Jake (he hadn't seen it, so duh) / Finding new slow jams / Getting our anniversary pictures taken by Mila... three months late (don't judge, we're busy!) / Babysitting my niece and watching her moon my sister, apply my mascara, and also take a selfie (she was on a hilarious roll) / Baking with my BB Bacon / Morning drives to school with the top down / Watching my nephew have a dance/freak out to Let It Go on Frozen

Some cool links...
This chocolate pumpkin bread is actually extremely delicious (and also beautiful)!
The photoshoot I did with Jessi on Tuesday. Check it!
Also, these biscuits are delish as well.

I totally forgot to write down the funny stuff that people said. Ooops. But, in other news. You know how Jake calls me Liechtenstein? Well, I was browsing halloween outfits on Pinterest and come across this which made me LOLIRL. We had no idea it was actually a thing?? Hahahahahahahahaha. Apparently it's some artist and people call it Lichtenstein and dress up like comic people? Who knew.

Life has been crazy per usual (jk jk I hate when people say that) but we are slowly developing schedules and plans on how to best arrange our time so we can spend time together as well. We've decided to wake up in the morning and run (Jake) and then to also do homework when the other person is doing it, even if it's not due the next day. It's been good so far! I still miss just hanging out every night and watching episodes of The X-Files, but hey, a few times a week is better than no times a week! Plus, I'm sure our grades will thank us in the end, for paying this much attention to them.

In other news, this year is my senior year and I've been getting weirdly sentimental about things. I'm definitely ready to be done with school and move on with my life, but at the same time there is just something so satisfying about having a set routine every day, having deadlines, and feeling like you're progressing through something. That is something I'll definitely miss. The constant reading, homework, and not seeing Jake as much... probably not ;).

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6 comments on "a happy list: 31"
  1. Haha you're so funny. I definitely miss that about school - feeling like you're accomplishing something. Even if you hate it and wish your teachers would all die. Whaaat? That's just me?

  2. oh - i love that idea of always doing work when the other is doing it so you have more time together, genius! also i'm super in love with your anni pictures. you guys are adorable! xo

  3. i feel you about the last year of school! i just can't imagine how my life will look in one year!
    xo, cheyenne

  4. definitely! i feel like i'll feel that way as well, so i definitely will!

  5. I remember feeling that way at the end of high school. Ready to be done but also kind of scared that it was ending, too... Congrats on your seniority though, what an accomplishment!
