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Thursday, October 29, 2015
Guys, I went to the dentist a few weeks ago, and my teeth still randomly hurt where I got fillings. Is this normal? Need advice ASAP.

ALSO. I am hijacking this post from Jake. He was supposed to try out this product and review it, but I tried it once on my bangs and am now hooked. #sorrynotsorry. Probably the thing I hate most about having bangs is when there are spaces in them and no one tells me and then important pictures are taken. I look at those pictures for the rest of my life and regret not whipping out a mirror to make sure my bangs were on point. FML.

I used to just rat the underside of my bangs, but it looked horrible so I stopped. Then, I started carrying a little plastic comb in my bag, but I always forgot to check and make sure they looked ok. NOW ENTER LAYRITE CEMENT. I split my bangs into and upper and lower section. I use the tiniest, baby amount of this shiz on the lower section, comb it out, and then drop the upper section. WORKS LIKE A CHARM. 

So, if you're in the market for a way to keep your bangs space-free, I'd recommend this stuff. Anyway, now that I've successfully hijacked a post that's supposed to be about guys, I figured I would make a collage about things I would buy if I wasn't broke af. Literally every paycheck I have goes to bills and our New York fund. Ha! #gottadowhatyougottado. Anyway, so here are some stocking stuffers I would snatch Jake if I had any expendable cash.

Aftershave: It just sounds classy. Beard trimming scissors: The pair I currently use on Jake's sideburns are so blunt. Beard comb: What would be cooler than watching someone literally comb their beard?! Hair pomade: Jake loves pomade. Face wash: Jake uses my Say Yes To Tomatoes face wips, so it would be interesting to see how he likes his own ;). Peppermint body wash: I currently use peppermint shampoo and conditioner and it's my FAVORITE. I love the fresh clean feeling it gives my scalp, so I bet this stuff is money.

Sorry for the hijack, but hopefully I made up for it at the end! If any of you gals have bang/hair tips plz let me know. My hair is so nappy right now it needs some serious TLC.

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