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Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?

Friday, October 30, 2015

On Wednesday everyone at my work dressed up. I was playing around with being what you'll see here tomorrow, or Eminem. I decided to be Eminem because a coworker told me it would be unexpected. Let me just say, it was UNEXPECTED. I earned major street credit lol. This one kid even tried to quiz me and was like, "Hey, what's the name of your costume?" I said, "Eminem." He was like, "Well yeah, but what's his real name?" I said, "Marshall Mathers." BAM. Weren't expecting me to know that one, were you?! Throughout the day people were like, "I didn't even recognize you!!!" Or simply, "Slim Shadyyyyyyy!!!!!!" It was awesome.

Lol. Such an entertaining day.

I debated whether or not I should rap Lose Yourself, but I decided not to because I'm still getting over my cold. One day though, I'll grace the world with my performance ;) I'm debating making a video or just doing it live. I can't decide what would be better.

Anyway, just wanted to document these photos on the internets, cause you know. Gotta be a real person and everything ;)

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7 comments on "Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?"
  1. Hey there... Found your blog a couple weeks ago and saw your Seattle posts while I was on vacation there making posts about it too! And I saw your ferry posts the day I took the ferry to bainbridge. It was funny. :p I love your blog and also this costume haha.

    1. What that's awesome!! Haha it was meant to be!! I hope you had so much fun on your trip!

  2. h o l y c r a p why are your faces totally spot on???
