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Family Halloween Party!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I apparently didn't take many photos at our family halloween party! I am trying to get better at photographing the every day. Hence why I have been posting so much lately. I did take lots of pictures of our costumes, but I am going to post mine and Jake's on Halloween. And I never post pictures of my family here for privacy reasons, but just know other people were there too hahahahah. 

My mom made this green apple Kool-Aid and it was SO good. Like, I was surprised at how good it was. We have a halloween tradition of always having this broccoli cheese soup in pumpkin bread bowls. It's dang good, and that's coming from someone who is "not a soup person". (Although I think it just depends on the soup now.)

I want to have a friend halloween party but I feel like I have so many friends scattered in different groups it would be so awkward. I have my friends from high school, my friends from blogging, and then we have my husbands friends. So, I probably won't do it, but I do want to go to a friend halloween party this year! We've never gone to one and I think it could be fun with all the married couples here :). 

That's one of the reasons why I'm excited to move to New York, as well. I hear that out there your friends are your family, because no one is living super close to their family. I think in Utah it's kind of hard because most people's families are so close they usually end up doing stuff with them. (Like us hahaha.) So, let's hope we'll have some fun friends in NYC to do things with! :)

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3 comments on "Family Halloween Party!"
  1. You should definitely have a friend-o-ween party! That's something that I've always wanted to do, but everyone always had plans :/ I think having a baby makes this holiday much more fun.

    1. I wish I had friends for a friend-o-ween ahahahaha
