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Friday, January 15, 2016

Haha I love that Trixie is sponsored. Like, how does your dog get sponsored ya know?! (Probably because she is the cutest dog ever, and everyone knows it.) These Blue Buffalo Sizzlers were her treats for this month. She lovesssss Beggin' Strips and Pup-eroni, so she loved these haha. She is old old old, so I have been trying to pick softer treats for her each month. I'm pretty sure she has like, not very many teeth left haha. I want to get her soft dog food too, but I hate the cans where you have to scoop it out. Ugh the smell is the worst haha. 

Anyway. Safe to say Trix is a fan of these treats! Thanks Chewy! :) Also, safe to say I am a fan of taking pictures of my dog. Sorry for all the non-dog people, but I am obsessed. I'm getting so sad to leave her when we move :( She'll be happier here than in New York though, so I guess that can help me feel better.

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P.S. I'm supposed to say legal things I guess (I obivously know nothing about this stuff haha) so: We got the treats in exchange for our honest review and no other compensation was received. 

1 comment on "Chewy!!"
  1. Your new blog look is so cute! Also such a cute dog!

