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Chandler, Arizona: Day 2

Sunday, October 18, 2015
I guess this is technically the last post from my time visiting Beverly. I left really early the next day and didn't feel like make that it's own post.

We started the day out a Crepe Bar! It was AMAZING. 

I got a lemon crepe and Bev got one called "first time" lol! 

I went up to the barista to ask for my orange juice that I never got, and the barista said, "This is perfect because I was actually just going to bring you something." He followed me back to our table with this "fermented grape juice". He had apparently been fermenting it for a while and it was like, wine before it's wine? (S.O.S. wine drinkers, help me out here.) Anyway, he said it didn't have any alcohol in it so we tried it and it was so strange tasting! I'm guessing that's what wine tastes like, so I finally know!! To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan.

We made some videos in between lunch and dinner. I'm excited to show you guys! Before dinner we took some pictures at this really pretty garden place. My camera was having trouble focusing so I didn't get as many as I wanted, but we still got some cute pics!

For dinner we went to a place called Uprooted Kitchen. It was for sure the healthiest thing I've ever eaten haha. 

I left really early in the morning the next day. It was such a pretty flight with the sunrise.

And that's it! Yay! I love visiting blog friends so so so much. It's the best! Thanks again, Bev :)

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2 comments on "Chandler, Arizona: Day 2"
  1. Ah! The photos at the communal garden turned out so nice! Thanks!! Stealing these as well....
    Thanks for coming and giving me an excuse to eat at all the trendy/hip restaurants!

    1. Steal all you want. Thanks for taking me to all the hip restaurants :)!!!
