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Living in Squalor

Friday, January 13, 2017
Am I the only one who feels like it takes LITERALLY FOREVER to like, fully decorate? We still sleep on a mattress on the floor and we've lived here like 5 months lol. Lately I have really been feeling it with our white walls situation. Like I just want $2,000 to finish decorating our apartment, is that too much to ask?!

We did get some plants yesterday that I'll photograph today and post on Monday. They are p cute and actually add a lot more than I thought they would. (The beginnings of a crazy plant lady, probably. I am my mother.)

Anyway, I wanted to share with you guys that the cutest boutique, Evy's Tree, is having a 40% off sale starting today! These cute lil' joggers are from them and I have literally worn them every day for the past week. #workfromhomeperks Wait, I'm not working from home anymore, I'm just at home?? WEIRD.

Go get yourself some goodies!! My favorites are this, this, and this.

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P.S. J's face in this photo is sooo good hahahahaahhaa. I am dyinggggg

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