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Anniversary Part 1: The One With The Scary Homeless Guy

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Last weekend was our second annivesary, yay! We decided that it doesn't really feel weird to have been married for two years. It just feels like a normal thing. Kind of like drinking hot chocolate in the winter and eating popsicles in the summer. We're just like, cool with it, ya know?

Friday night we had a scooter picnic! I finally used all the points I've been hoarding on my Subway card haha. 


Their peas were SO GOOD and SO CRUNCHY. Also I loved their tofu, which is saying something because I'm picky about tofu. They also had organic sodas (!!!!!!) that were fun to try. We definitely recommend it. 

After shopping we stopped by Deseret Book for a candy bag! I laughed at my mom when she made me go there with her, but now look at me! Going there myself! Like mother like daughter, I guess. Anyway, go there because you can fill up a bag of candy for $5. It's the Deseret Book by H&M at City Creek. 

We swam and then went to Coffee Garden to visit my friend. They buy their milk local! Naturally we had to try some and it was delicious. So, also go there if you like hip coffee shops with delicious items. 

Hair in bun with no hair tie! 

We went to Spitz and it was SO GOOD. Both of our favorite place we ate :) Also, in Jemily (what we decided to call our language) "donner" means "dinner" and they have something called "döners" at Spitz. It's not pronounced the same but we kept saying we were having donner for donner and it was awesome. 

ALSO. We were sitting in the window eating here and a homeless man walked by. I'm no psychiatrist but he looked like he could have been a paranoid schizophrenic or something. He kept aiming guns at cars and talking to imaginary people shorter than him. I was watching him just because he was there. He looked up at me and I held eye contact. WELL. LESSON LEARNED. NEVER HOLD EYE CONTACT WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE JUST BEEN SHOOTING FAKE GUNS AT CARS. He started yelling at me through the window and like, charging it and stuff. Needless to say it scared the crap out of me! I was shaking!!! Jake told me to pretend to have a conversation with him until the homeless guy went away and I did. The homeless guy went away and I was like, a nervous wreck haha. It just scared me because he was so angry and violent! I thought he was going to come in there and murder me or something! Plus I don't know what he was struggling with, so I kept thinking he thought I was like a devil or something like that. I don't know. But it scared me SO BAD. 

We left and I was checking around every corner on the way to the car. Then, the next morning we were walking to breakfast. There was a guy sleeping on the bench we had just passed and it was HIM. He got up right after we walked by and I about peed my pants waiting for the crosswalk to change to go. I freaking ran across that thing like there was no tomorrow and checked behind my shoulder every five feet ha! You could say I'm a little bit of a scaredy cat!!!

Anyway. I have to have chocolate every day thanks to working at the chocolate factory. So we decided to try Hatch Family Chocolates! I really wanted chocolate raspberries from Bear Lake (where we were originally going to go for our anniversary but I missed all the good reservations, whomp whomp) so I was super happy to try them from here! They were pretty good, but I'm not going to lie: I like chocolate covered strawberries better. 

I also got a chocolate covered banana because I read somewhere theirs are supposed to be super good! It was delish and I would definitely get one every day if it were closer to my house. 

I saw this on Pinterest and wanted to try it. I didn't really do anything or taste different, but it did look cool! I think on Pinterest it's champagne, instead of sparkling cider, so any champagne drinking friends out there will have to try this and let me know if it does anything cool!

Day 2 coming tomorrow!

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10 comments on "Anniversary Part 1: The One With The Scary Homeless Guy"
  1. Ugh all of your food pictures are amazing. I really need to go to spitz..(which by the way, why did they call a food place 'spitz'...weird?) Also, I didn't know Deseret had candy bags!!! You can find me there this weekend!

    1. I know! Why do they call it that?! Maybe it means something different in another language? And yes please go get all the chocolate covered gummi bears.

  2. Ummm the homeless man thing. I was scared just reading about it! That would have given me nightmares! The chocolate covered raspberry/banana looks divine. That is all.

  3. I love your outfit! hashtag PatTeRn MiXinG~*~* haha but really it's so cuuuute.
    All of the food looks yuuuuummmy!
    Also I would have pooped seeing that homeless man again for absolutely sure

    1. I love when you type like that. I didn't get a notification for this comment? Thank you for the outfit compliment. And thank you for supporting my fear of the homeless man.

  4. WHAT. A BAG OF CANDY FOR 5 DOLLARS. I know where I'm going this friday. ps, you posting these to Facebook has made me a regular reader vs a binge reader. AKA I'm lazy. so Facebook is great for me. :)

    1. Haha I'm glad the Facebook thing is working out. I was kind of scared I would annoy people.

  5. Oh my goodness, so much good food! You gave me the maddest craving for subway! Haha might have to venture into town so I can get some ;) ....If I ever get out of bed. Also, a whole bag of candy for $5? SIGN ME UP. That sounds heavenly!
