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San Francisco Video!

Sunday, May 3, 2015
Ok so this is the last San Francisco thing and then I'll done. I promise! So, I feel it's important to note that I did NOT understand the low quality that is iPhone video. So, I apologize. Safe to say I will only be using my GoPro and camera from now on! Anyway, I've decided to do little trip videos from all the trips we go on. You just get a better idea of how it was, in my opinion. So, here's the first!


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P.S. If you live in Utah and want to go to San Francisco or L.A... FLY THROUGH PROVO AIRPORT.
14 comments on "San Francisco Video!"
  1. SO FUN! I fly out of provo airport all the time to go home, so cheap!

    xo, k

  2. What game is Jake playing on his phone at the end? Also, this is a great reminder that I need to take more videos in my life. Remember when we both posted a lot of videos on our blogs? I like, kinda want to look back at them, but I'm also too embarrassed to watch them. I don't think that'll stop me from making more in the future, though. I feel like if we lived closer, that would be a fun thing to do- make videos together. Now I'm sad that we're so far away from each other!

    1. I think it's tower defense game. I'll ask him when he gets home!
      AND I DO REMEMBER THE VIDEOS. I've looked back at some of mine and they are very LOL. So, you should definitely watch yours. I remember like, literally laughing out loud at your videos. Haha. So, maybe we should bring that ish back!! And I totally agree! I am way sad we live so far apart haha. So I've looked at tickets from Provo airport to Mesa and they are like $150 round trip! So it's not too bad. I'm thinking after the summer I'll see where I'm at moneywise and maybe come out for a second or something! Idk. Are you guys planning another trip out to Utah anytime soon? We are moving in August 2016. So maybe there is hope!

  3. I love this video! What did you use to edit it? I can't believe you got that great of footage off of an iphone.

    1. I used my iPhone AND my camera haha. So the good footage is 100% my D5200 with a 35mm lens. And I just used iMovie! Thanks Candace!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So cute! I am stoked to use my GOpro this summer but I don't even know how to use should teach me sometime. seriously.

    1. Ha! I am laughing because I don't really know how to use mine. I've just started experimenting! We should go do something fun together and experiment with our GoPros!

    2. Yes please! I'm seriously peeved that my car is broken and I never get down to Provo. One day I will. ONE DAY.

  6. SUCH A CUTE VIDEO! this is a great idea and I'm stealing it and taking random videos on our next trip. & of course, you guys are welcome anytime!!

  7. Leah, it's not letting me reply haha. But yes steal it! ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU'RE GOING TO BRAZIL. And also if you want mega trip video inspiration, search "Jay Alvarrez" on YouTube and watch his California and In A Dream World videos!

  8. OMG this is amazing – iPhone or not. I need to step up my memorykeeping game, fo' sho!

    We go to the Bahamas in July for our anniversary – looks like I need to acquire and then hone some video-taking skillz before then. Boom.
