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We Be Brunchin'

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

While my grandma was here we went to Blue Lemon for dinner. While we were there we discovered they had breakfast and went back the next morning, ha! Needless to say, it was a v good brunch experience. I want to go again! I got the orange creme crepes and they were really good! I tried my grandma's lemon blueberry pancakes, and I would probably get those next time. Just because lemon pancakes? How can you not? I also took a really cute picture of my grandma, but I think I've decided to not post pictures of other people on here. Not because I don't want to! I just keep seeing picture stealing things? And I would feel really awkward if someone found a picture of themselves somewhere and found out it came from my blog? #bloggerdweeb. So, yeah. I'm going to keep the pictures limited to those who wouldn't mind, for now! Until I'm not scared of picture stealing anymore, haha. 

Anyway, that artwork was done by a 5th grader and blew my mind. Kids are so creative when they are allowed to be! Darn society and its hindering ways. 

Go to Blue Lemon for brunch! You will not regret it!

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7 comments on "We Be Brunchin'"
  1. This looks amazing! And lemon pancakes?? How is this the first time I've heard of them? haha! It just seems like those would be heavenly.
    And I'm sorry to hear about people stealing your photos.. What do you think about adding a water mark? I've never tried it (because I don't think anyone would want to steal my photos. Ha) but I heard of this app called "watermark it" that is supposed to be a good one. xo

    1. Oh, people haven't been stealing mine, but I've just seen other people having theirs stolen. And it makes me nervous haha.

  2. Oh my, can you stop posting photos of such good food stuff! Cravingssss. So, so bad, but so good.
