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New Camera, Yay!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

(First of all, is anyone interested in like a photography post? I feel like I get quite a few questions about what gear I use and what the benefits are of different lenses and camera bodies. I don't know if that many people care, but if you do say "hey" and maybe I"ll write a post about it all.) 

I got a new camera! Yay! After talking to Leah about full frame vs cropped frame, I had to go full frame! I sold all my camera stuff and switched it out for a D600. So far I have been LOVING it. The first picture I took was obviously of Jake and Trixie. What else would you expect?

Anyway, I'm photographing The Lovely Lunch this Saturday, so I'm excited to put it to the test!

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6 comments on "New Camera, Yay!"
  1. Yes, yes, photography post please!

  2. aaaaah you got it! I'm so excited for you! Which lens have you been using? and yes I'd love to read a photography post plzzzzz

  3. Please do! My husband just got me my very first DSLR and I'm loving it but suuuper new at it all:)

  4. YESSSSS! Photog post FER SHER!

    I have a crappy cropped body camera (Canon Rebel T3i, which is the camera every other newb has) with just the kit lens and I hateHateHATE how it fish-eyes my photos (because the lens is curved) and IDK if my image quality will increase more from getting a new lens (a prime one, most likely) or a full body camera.

  5. Yes! Photography post! I learned DSLR on a super old Nikon, I think a D3100 but once I got my own I went for a Canon T2i and love it (but will need to upgrade soon.
