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Food Things Lately

Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Ok I'm cramming all these pictures into one post! 

First restaurant: Sixth and Pine. I don't know if any of you read Willivia, but she talks about their sweet potato fries ALL THE TIME. Every time I read about them they sound so dang good. Needless to say, they have been on my list for quite a while and I finally tried them! They were DEFINITELY worth the hype!! That sauce is so good! We got a piece of chocolate cake and it was ok. Honestly, I don't think any chocolate cake will ever be better than The Great Wall of Chocolate at PF Changs. 

My mom made us stop at Deseret Book so she could get a bag of candy haha!

Ok, next restaurant: Blue Lemon. I heard their mac and cheese was good. (I actually think it was from Willivia again haha.) I've been here a lot and usually get the hummus plate because it's amazing. So, this time I decided to get a mac and cheese kids meal. The mac and cheese was super good! Not as good as Noodle's and Company, but still pretty dang good. It wasn't as hot and steamy (?) as I wanted it to be, but it was still v delish! 

Last restaurant: Brunch at the Harvest Restaurant! They have brunch twice every year. One is for Easter and the other is for mother's day. My grandma was in town this mother's day, so we all went to brunch and it was so delicious! They had all sorts of fruit, cheese, eggs benedict, ham, bacon, yogurt, granola, salads, vegetables, and desserts! It was amazing. I obviously forgot to take a picture of my dessert plate because I scarfed that sucker down the minute it touched the table. Anyway, I want to make this mother's day brunch a tradition, because it was so much fun to sit down and chat over brunch instead of just opening some presents and being done with it. Honestly, sometimes I feel like all the different holidays with all the different presents make it so we can bond as much as a family ha! Like, I feel like we get together with either side and open presents, and then we have to go to the other side and do the same thing and then we go home. It just doesn't leave a lot of room for games, or group conversations, or other bonding things like that. So, I would definitely love to do something like this brunch as a present and just be able to chat and hang out for an hour or two. 

Yay for food! I am determined to go everywhere on our list before we move. I believe we can do it!!

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6 comments on "Food Things Lately"
  1. I LOVE Sixth and Pine. My mom, sisters, and I have been going there since I can remember! If we go shopping, it requires a break at Sixth and Pine. But you can't go there without also getting their lemonade! Best lemonade I've ever had, paired with the best sweet potato fries, and you're good. Amen.

  2. I've heard this phrase, "Collect memories. Not things." And I couldn't agree more! Personally, I think having all the girls together for brunch would be way better than opening a gift.

  3. I am loving all of your cute food posts and recommendations! plus, im just in love with your blog!
