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The Daily

Friday, May 15, 2015
Açaí bowls have been my jam lately. SO GOOD.

1/2 cup fresh strawberries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 package frozen açaí from Sambazon (You can buy these at Real Foods in Orem, so far that's the only place I've found that has them.)
1/4 cup apple juice (I use Red Barn because it's the best ever! I think it's only a Utah thing though. I just get it at Macey's.)

Blend it all together! If your blender isn't the best you might need to use a wooden spoon or something and push it around while it's blending. Be careful and only open the lid a little bit! I did that for the first little while and it wasn't too bad, but then I decided to just use my and Jake's blender we got for our wedding instead haha. I usually do the strawberries and apple juice first, and then once it's slushy I'll add in the blueberries. I add the frozen dude last! 

Top it off with granola (try to find one with a low sugar count, it's worth it to pay extra!), a sliced banana, and some shredded coconut! The coconut I use is sweetened, but once the bag runs out I'm going to try to find unsweetened and see how that is. 

I watched the documentary Fed Up and it scared me! There is sugar in SO MANY THINGS. I'm not against sugar, but some things that I thought were "healthy" actually have so much sugar in them! So, it's kind of counter intuitive if you're eating something "healthy" like spaghetti sauce and it has a whole ton of sugar. Anyway, so I've been trying to look at sugar content in products and buy things with less sugar. 

Heaven knows I'm already eating enough sugar at the chocolate shop! I don't need anymore! Haha. 

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P.S. Any good açaí recipes or toppings I should try?

4 comments on "The Daily"
  1. Sugar is in everything and it's the worst. My father-in-law was a little shocked when I told him there was sugar in spaghetti sauce. I don't want to watch that documentary because It'll just make me feel super unhealthy... haha. I try, I try.

    1. Argh right. It's so sad. There are kids in it who are heavy and trying to lose weight and they just cry and talk about how sugar being in everything makes it impossible. It's so so sad.

  2. Oh my goodness, I've seen so many photos of acai bowls lately! They've been taking over my Insta feed like nobody's business! I've been super interested in health things lately, so I might have to take a look at that documentary myself!
