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a happy list: 65

Monday, May 11, 2015
This picture may be blurry? So sorry about that. But then also not sorry because I have so many picture I need to edit. I am to that point where I am using old pictures on here haha. 

THE RAIN. / Finding Freddie Fish and the Missing Kelp Seeds as an iPhone app and reminiscing onto other old things, like Math for the Real World, and A Dark Dark Room and Other Scary Stories. / Hanging out with my grandma! She is one of my very favorite people! / My neice using her middle finger instead of pointer finger haha. / Getting back into The Office. / When The Album Leaf came on while we were at brunch at The Harvest Restaurant. / Getting to spend so much time with Jake!! / My neice's surprised face. / Finding out the energy bites I thought weren't healthy actually are healthy! / Huckleberry Diet Pepsi from Slurp! Mmmm.

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There were so many great things said this week.

Little boy in my class: "We weren't looking for anything pacific-ly."

My sister: "Emily, have you ever played Simon Says?" She definitely was asking my neice but accidentally called her my name hahaha.

My mom: (referring to the Amazon drones) "What do you do with the drone? Do you have to send it back?"

My grandma: *goes to get in wrong car*

My mom: "Burn some to win some."
My brother-in-law: "Do you mean burn it to earn it?"

My mom: "Haha, no. You weren't very sassy.... You had other problems."

I was at the post office and the guy working at the counter was SO RUDE. He was telling the people in front of me to "print your name. It really isn't that hard. Just do it." I had to rip off my packing label and put it on another box, so the taping was really bad. I finally got to the counter and he looked at me and said, "Did you tape this?" Hahaha. The sass was so real.

My mom: "Costco is wonderful!!!!! If I was a millionaire, I would still go to Costco!!!"

My 3-year-old neice: "Oh Emmy! I am so proud of you!"

Me: "Oh, it should be under $30." *proceeds to explain why*
The Pharmacist: "Oh..."
Me: "That's ok. I'll ask my mom when I get home. Yeah, it's fine. I'll just pay."
Me: *looks at receipt* It was $25 and had been the whole time, I just thought she said $45 haha. 

Me: "Ashley isn't texting me back, so I don't know!"
My grandma: "Oh, ok."
Me: "Wait, I never sent it."
*sends it and she texts me back immediately*

Jake: "Remember when you remembered their last name and texted me "BLAIR" in all caps? The first thing that came to my mind was "Waldorf"

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Here are some internet things to make you happy. This baby fox getting rescued!!! I die!! Make sure you watch both parts! / My grandma sent me this and it is GOOD. Leah, I think this is the video I was talking about when we were visiting you! You must try this on your cats! / I feel like this hoodie understands the way I think. / The list is long, but these animal photobombs are too good. / If you have a DSLR but are so confused, this cheat sheet is for you.

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For some reason I haven't been in the blogging mood lately. I used to read blogs every day and now I suddenly don't care? I have just been reading close friend's and Amber Filllerup's haha. Anyway, life is good. My grandma has been here and it's been great. I feel like she understands me more than anyone else I've ever met! We're just always on the same page and have the same opinions about most things, so it's always nice to visit with her. It will be sad to see her go! But we will be meeting up again in Seattle, so I'm excited. 

That's basically what has been up this week! I have weirdly not had any contact with friends? Ha. I swear I had like all these friends I used to hang out with and like 3 of them just ceased talking to me at the same time. Oh well! 

But yup. That's basically what has been going on! It's been really fun to just work on projects and not have to worry about school! I'm excited to start working more at the chocolate shop next week! I hope everyone had a good week and found happiness in the little things!

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6 comments on "a happy list: 65"
  1. i love these lists!
    they make me happy :)
    thanks for keepin' it real.
    i always look forward to reading your blog!!


  2. Maybe the lack of interest in blogging/reading them is fueled by your recent graduation, which pretty much (in a way) opens up your entire schedule for more of whatever-the-bleep-you-want/adventure v. the homework-distract with blogs-homework-study-blogblogblog routine you were used to before?

    Ugh. Super "psych-y," I know. That almost stopped me from posting this comment but then #longhairdontcare. I just finished my psych degree too (officially as of yesterday), so I'm OFFICIALLY allowed to say "psych-y" things now anyway. So there.

    1. Ha, perhaps. Yeah, I have a life now so I no longer feel the need to live vicariously through others? It could be! And congrats on graduating!

  3. Always love the 'great things that have been said' portion of your happy lists, they make me laugh, every time. Also I have been in the exact same blogging funk! Ever since I got way busy with school I really struggled with 'trying' I guess. I'm hoping this summer I'll get back to writing and reading all of the blogs I used to.

    1. Haha I'm glad you enjoy them! And yeah, school can definitely suck the fun out of everything! At least blogging doesn't matter that much haha, so it's something you can ignore and come back to. I hope you're enjoying nursing school!
