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San Francisco: Day 3

Friday, May 1, 2015
This post is photo heavy... sorry. To make up for it, I will use a small amount of words!

Day 3 was great and ACTION PACKED. We went to an Illy Coffee that wasn't really an Illy Coffee, but it still had good hot chocolate. We got turned away from Bob's Donuts because they didn't have any donuts? But Donut's and Things came to the rescue! Then, we went to the beach. It was apparently unusually warm and sunny. Yay!

See what I said about the bangs? Worst.

Oh, bless this picture. This is why I'm not a summer person, you guys.

Next stop: Goldengate park. We walked around and rented peddle boats! 

I paid too much for this diet coke, but it was so worth it. 

We attempted to "walk around" Japantown, but we were actually starving. So we just ate instead. We got to sit in this cool little booth! 

How cute is this guy? I mean seriously.

Skeletor!!! I wanted to ask him how old he was but I'm 90% sure he didn't speak English. 

When I took this picture the driver asked me if it was for my Instagram hahahahah.

We went up to the Oakland LDS Temple grounds and watched the sun set. 

We ended the night with Starbucks! (Side note: Leah, I noticed while writing this post that I spell Starbucks with an apostraphe. I'm sorry!!! Forgive me!!) The first store we went to was "out of frappuchinos". I had flashbacks to my old store that was always out of everything haha. So, we went to a Target Starbucks. Oh, and pro tip: You can use Target giftcards at Target Starbucks. So, yay for that. 

We left the next morning! 

It was a very fun trip! Thanks again to Leah and Stephen for letting us stay with them! It was a blast and I'm still LOL-ing about so many things that happened! 

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8 comments on "San Francisco: Day 3"
  1. Beautiful photos, looks like you had a great trip. San Francisco is really such an amazing city :)

  2. Now I'm dying to go to San Fran. I haven't been in a few years and I'm feeling a strong urge now!

  3. hahahaha it's ok that you spell it with an apostrophe! i am just weird for noticing stuff like that :') :') I have been looking forward to your blog posts about the trip every day, you took so many amazing pictures! thanks for visiting and giving us an excuse to go see all our favorite places. i am also still loling about many things, and "fiery" has become a regular part of my vocabulary haha

    1. Haha you just have good grammar :). And thanks! I'm glad you brought the selfie stick so we could get pictures together. And FIERY YES HAHA.

  4. These pictures are all so cute. Ummm, how does "Bob's DONUTS" not have any donuts? That is just wrong on so many levels. The paddle boats in Golden Gate park look absolutely magical. I would like to do that someday, I am bucket listing that. And I know the struggle with the bangs. I mean I don't have bangs anymore because I grew them out like two years ago, but back when I had them. ARGH. The wind would mess them up. Or they would grow into my eyeballs. I would have to trim them every five seconds and then there were the occasions that I would trim them too short and I would look totally weird. The list goes on. However you totally can rock that look, so keep it up.

    1. Haha right?! They had like 3 different varieties, but they all looked gross. And the paddle boats were really good. You should definitely do them!
      I'm glad you understand the bang struggle. I tried to do short bangs once and it didn't work out. Taza looks good in them and if you have them short then you can wear hats and stop them from going everywhere. Unfortunately, that will never be me.
