So I had a one week break from school... two weeks ago?? I am back in it now and it's SUPER busy, so I never have time to post here lol. So, these pictures are maybe like 3 weeks old. It's ok though, because I'm doing really good at school and that matters more to me than blogging haha.
So! My mom flew in to visit during this break and we did alllllllll the things. She got in on a Saturday and the next day was Mother's Day. We were originally going to go into New York, but it looked rainy so we decided to stay in Connecticut and instead go to New Haven/Yale.
I gave her her Mother's Day present before we left. She likes these sweatshirts that have colleges her kids go to/like on them haha. So I got on to match. I am kinda bummed because I got her a size too small and when we went to exchange it they didn't have any more! (Probably because it was the best one there, no doubt.) So now it's on of those things you have to remember not to dry, which is an actual challenge! Before I graduate I am going to load up on NYU ish, so I'll have to grab another.
We started with breakfast at Atticus. It's such a cute place. My mom got this hot chocolate and of course "couldn't drink it all" and "needed help" lol. It was really good! I love when they do latte art.
My mom and I always laugh at eating the same food. Like I will order something and she'll be like, "I'll have the same thing, actually." Or she'll order and I'll be like, "Oh, can I have that too?" So, naturally we both got the avocado toast. It was really good! They put honey and cream cheese and now that I am writing this I think I know what I am eating today for breakfast! (Blogging at 7:30 in the a.m. because it's Sunday and I never sleep in lol.)
J got a breakfast sandwich which I want to try next time! Anything on a croissant, ya know?
Then we hopped over the street to the Yale Art Museum! It's such a neat-o place and FREE! Go go go if you are in the area. They have originals from famous artists like Picasso and Rothko.
The only pictures we have of us together are when people come to visit hahahaha. This is the stairwell you can take after the first floor. It's so haunting and pretty.
Basquiat in the flesh!! He is my favorite artist! I remember when I first discovered him I was being a weirdo introvert at a party and flipping through a book about Sheperd Fairey. They had a picture of Basquiat's painting "Riding With Death" and it was so intricate and crazy I just stared at it for like 5 minutes. That was the moment I fell in love!
He recently broke a world record for having a painting sell for a record $10.5 million at auction. Way to go little bb!
Why does J's new phone take such good photos? We will never know.
Slidin' into first... and installation art piece ;)
Like I swear his phone does something to the color and contrast that is just A+? Also this is Yale. Go there. It's very pretty.
Here's a photo from my phone? Considerable less good?
After the museum we went to the beach! Tried to take a cute picture while it was windy and got this.
My mom was like, obsessing over how many seashells there were. The beach actually opens up to the Long Island Sound, so maybe that's what it is? But do you see all that stuff in the bottom right corner? That's all seashells.
As much as I love the mountains, it's so nice to live by water! In Utah, my favorite mountain places were the lakes. I hope we can always have some sort of body of water near where we live. It's so calming!
Cute right.
My camera always takes three photos when I put it on self-item and I always run out of things to do hahahaha.
Ok so my mom is actually a product model?? Like this shirt company could use this for sure on their page?
OK. So we went to Frank Pepe's Pizzeria. J and I have been there before and had the cheese pizza and it is GOOD. When we were looking it up online, everyone said to get the clam pizza. We were like, "DO WE DO IT OR NOT?!?!" So finally we decided to just do it, since it was supposedly the top 10 pizza in America.
Well, sadly, we are not clam people. And this clam pizza was not for us. Also, they were super busy so we decided not to stay longer to order another pizza. I'm sad my mom's only experience with them is the clam pizza, because the cheese was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Ah well.
We got Frappuchino's to hold ourselves over and went to the Apple store to see if they could fix my phone. Long story short: Earlier, it had stopped charging. We took it in (Sunday) and they couldn't get it to charge. They encouraged me to get a new phone, but I am really stubborn. I still own my phone outright because they were still doing the $200 2 year contract thing when I got it. I REALLY don't want to do the payment plan, because I think it's the dumbest thing in the world and ends up costing A LOT more than if you can just buy it for $200 in the beginning. PLUS if you don't have insurance on it, you have to pay like so much if you break it. So, basically phone payment plans = not for me.
So, I let it be dead for a few days. We took it in again on Wednesday hoping they could replace the battery. The guy put it on a charger and it started to charge? I was like, "We are not crazy!! It really wasn't charging a few days ago!" Another employee took it to the back and came back to say, "It charged sometimes and sometimes it didn't. I can't replace the battery since I can't tell if that's what it is."
So I took it home and experimented. I figured out that if I turned it off, plugged it in, and then turned it on it would read the charge. I did that for two days and then it started working just as normal! To think they wanted me to pay $300 for a new phone. Pshhhhh.
Anyway, back to Sunday. We had dinner at this place called Prime 16 (which you may remember from this post). They accidentally brought my mom the wrong burger and were so so nice about it when she told them! I love that.
I wanted to try the veggie burger this time and YOU GUYS. Best. Veggie. Burger. I've. Ever. Had. At. A. Restaurant. The patty is quinoa, which I prefer x 1,000 to black bean. Also it had chips on it which is something I used to do all the time on my burgers as a wee babe.
J's burg! He likes everything he eats, I swear. The other day, he made some cinnamon rolls and then left them out without Saran Wrap for 3 days. On the third day, my mom was sitting on the couch and he plopped down next to her, eating a 3 day old cinnamon roll that had been sitting out without any Saran Wrap, and was like, "Whatcha watching??" She lol-ed so hard haha. I am v thankful to have a husband who will eat literally anything.
All in all, it was a good day! I feel like living in Connecticut is so random sometimes, so it was fun to show someone around our lil' place!
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