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Thursday, May 14, 2015
This is an entire post dedicated to Trixie and another puppy I encountered. Like, Trixie is so cute I can't even stand it sometimes. I probaby yell, "Trixie is so cute!!!" at least once a day. My mom says she is cute because she is so human-like. I've decided that's a good way to describe her. She is a dog who thinks she is a human. 

Anyway, I just cleared out my photos on my phone and SO MANY of them were of Trixie. I decided to give her her own post haha.

So we put Trixie like this just to be funny. We then left for around an hour and a half and came back to find her like this...


I love when she lays on the little bone toy we got from Chewy. 

Ok, my all time favorite thing is when she rests her head on my legs! And yes, that is Joe Carol in the background. The Following has been SO GOOD. 

Jake has started carrying her like a parrot. It's also one of my very favorite things.

See? So human-like.

Ok, so we watched the "fight of the centurY" at Jake's boss's house. They had this puppy and it was SO CUTE! I think she said it was an Austrailian Sheep dog? I'm not sure, but her speckles were the cutest ever.

The chocolate shop I'm working at has chocolate dipped bones that are safe for dogs! I brought one home for Trixie and she was one happy pup.

And lastly, this is Trixie watching us eat. All day every day she just sits quietly next to us and waits for something to fall. Well, she does that when she isn't eating. She has this thing where she eats the same time we do? It's really weird, but also adorable because we'll all be eating and we'll hear something and look over to find Trixie crunching on her food. It's like the whole family is together for dinner haha. 


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3 comments on "PUPPIES."
  1. Your opening to this post – HAHAHAHA! I do the same thing (yelling "OMG MADDEN IS SO CUTE!," but I do it at least 50 times a day...and I'm talking about my son...which is only one of my kids (I have three). Oops. I mean, the other two are cute but Madden? HE'S MY BABY! And the cutest of them all. But I think that's only because he's my baby. Maybe not. Still. Ha!

  2. A couple times a month we'll go over to my in-laws for Sunday dinner and their little dog does the same thing as Trixie; she'll finally decide to eat her own food when we are all sitting around the table. haha! I've thought the same thing about us all "eating together as a family." So funny.
    Dogs are the best.
