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a happy list: 64

Monday, May 4, 2015
Ok first of all I totally forgot I had these! They got buried in all my other things in my "to go on external hard drive" folder. Anyway, we had family pictures done with Jake's family about two months ago! I love love Alyssia. If any of you are in the market for a good photographer, GO TO HER SHE IS AMAZING. 

Find a parking spot at Macey's in the first spot in the row closest to the door. Score! (Kind of wondered why it wasn't a handicapped spot though?) / Noosa coconut yogurt. So good. / Trixie being so weird at night lol. She legitimately was like, watching me brush my teeth (which she never does). I thought she had to go to the bathroom, so I took her upstairs. She ran straight to where we keep the treats. Ha! I guess giving her daily treats is making her a little entitled. / Discovering the crispy potato soft taco. / Getting hired on the spot for both of the jobs I interviewed for. / Drying my rainbow roses! They look so pretty hanging in the kitchen and I am excited to keep them forever. / I was trying to feed Skully tuna fish as an apology for making her angry earlier. (I was just trying to put flea powder on her and protect her!!!!) She was being a jerk. Meanwhile, Jake let Trixie in and I guess she instead of jumping on him, or running to her bed or food, she just beelined it STRAIGHT to where I was with the tuna fish. Ha! If Trixie loves anything more than me, it's tuna fish. / Organizing all of our storage boxes. My mom is going to die of happiness when she sees her storage room haha. / Two strangers at Kneader's asking if they could take a picture of my dress.

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Here are some funny things people said this week:

My mom: *comes out of her closet with her shirt on backwards and the huge opening that is supposed to go on the back was on the front* "Is this right?"

My mom: "... I'm wonderful."

(This was technically last week but I forgot about it haha.)
*ordering at Taco Bell*
Me: "and that's it."
Employee: "Fiery?"
Me: "Just the Dorito's taco?"
Employee: "Fiery?"

Me: "Danka!" (thank you in German, I think)
Jake: "Dirkin... I don't know how to say you're welcome!"

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So yes! Exciting things over here! I got my first real adult job! I'm really excited. I'll be working to help those in poverty obtain an education. It doesn't start until the end of July, though. They'll fly me out to L.A. for training (any L.A. friends?) and then when I come back I'll start. So, exciting but a little far away! However, in the mean time I got a different job! It's at a local chocolate shop and just for the summer, so I'm very excited about that. The fact that I got employed means that we will be able to go on our fun trips! We're going to Albuquerque to visit my grandparents in July and Cabo in December/January. I'M SO EXCITED. I was really worried about getting a job after I graduted, so I'm glad that I got two! Now, I just have to figure out how to work at a chocolate shop and not gain 100 pounds haha. 

I hope everyone is having a good week! It looks like it's going to be rainy here and my grandma is coming to visit! So two good things!

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15 comments on "a happy list: 64"
  1. Yessss crispy potato soft tacoooooo.
    You are like the best at getting jobs, it's incredible. Congrats!

    1. OMG NOT EVEN. I interviewed for the same place two years in a row and didn't get it :( ha. And I didn't get a job at Anthropologie. Like, not even an interview! So, needless to say I definitely have interviewed/applied to way more than I have gotten ha! But hey, a summer job at a chocolate shop? I'll take it! Seriously dieting today because I ate 1,000 calories in chocolate yesterday PLUS a soft pretzel. (I get 1/2 off at the pretzel places so I am in trouuuuuuble.)

  2. those pictures of you two are adorable. like, you guys are the cutest couple. i love you two together. congrats on your job!! that is so exciting! & the chocolate shop in the mean time sounds like a great place too, i mean, who wouldn't want to work at a chocolate shop?!

  3. When you said you're gonna work in a chocolate shop it made me think of that movie "Chocolat" with Johnny Depp. Have you seen it?? Anyways - Congrats on the jobs! I'm glad everything is working out for you! :)

    1. Ha! I haven't seen it. I have seen Romantic Anonymous though, in which the main character is a chocolatier. So I am very excited to live out my fantasy of being a chocolatier!

  4. CRISPY POTATO SOFT TACOS. oh my heart. also, darling pictures!!

  5. HOLY WHOA! Thank you so much for sharing the synesthetic artist. SO COOL! Like you (I presume), I've learned a whole crap ton about synesthesia through school (through neuro classes, actually) and isn't it so fascinating?! SO, SO cool to see how it helps, and not hinders, IRL.

    1. I didn't learn about it a whole ton, but we did a little bit. There is actually a Criminal Minds episode about it! You should check it out!

  6. Cute pics! And congrats on getting a job! Where are you working at?

    1. Thanks! It's a local chocolate shop :)

    2. Haha well I'm local, so I meant more specifically so I could maybe come visit and buy chocolate from you! :)

  7. Where did Jake get you Rainbow Roses? They are so gorgeous and unique!
    Also I want to come visit you at the chocolate shop! Also yay for a big girl job!

    1. FTD! And do come visit me! Text me in a bit once I've worked there for a second and don't look like an idiot anymore haha.
