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a happy list: 61

Monday, April 13, 2015
Argh I accidentally published this and didn't even notice until just now haha. Also, the list I made is erased... so... um. 

Drinking chai tea and listening to the rain while the world woke up. / The chocolate croissant from Enliten Bakery. / The way cake batter looks when you pour it into the pan. / The song Go Go Chaos by Bonjah. / Thinking about our future dog, Mochi. And then deciding that Cookie would also be the cutest name. And then laughing out loud and how cute the names Mochi and Cookie were together. / Prepping my açai bowls! So now all I have to do is throw everything in the baggie into the blender and add some apple juice! / Heated blankets. / LUSH. I love everything about that store and going in there makes me so so happy. / 180 TACOS. I went again and took Jake. We love it! / Gaining some confidence about my future :).

Here are some internet things to make you happy! This guy's stolen iPhone story. It's a little long, but it made me so so happy after I read it. People are so funny! / All I want for the rest of my life is this giant bunny. / This is hands down my favorite thing I have ever found on the internet. / Ok, cutest sleep masks in all the land. / These vintage photos make me even more obsessed with New York than I already am haha.

In other news/happy things, I am excited! I had a sort of reinvention. I'm not sure I could explain it on here, and honestly I don't really want to. But, basically things are changing and I'm feelin' good!

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10 comments on "a happy list: 61"
  1. lush is THE absolute best, get their happy hippy shower gel, it smells amazing. & i'm happy that things are changing & you're happy about it, whatever they might be! haha

    1. oh! i'll have to check out happy hippy next time i'm there!

  2. Lush is fantastic and I am always in so much awe whenever I walk in there, it's like I want to buy everything and it's overwhelming. But last time I was there I got this kick-A bath bomb and it rocked my world, but honestly I do not even remember what it was called, just that it was awesome. Also don't you love it when life changes and it feels good? I feel like the past year has been such a 'reinvention' for myself too and it's wonderful and also kind of scary... but mostly cool. Growing up is weird.

    1. I love bath bombs!! Yay! And yes I love love love life changes!

    I love the one of the family in that small apartment with the Big Wheel tricycles. I miss looking at old photos in school and such!
    And yes... LUSH! The smell! The happy, helpful employees!

    1. RIGHT. Haha I wonder if our photos will one day be as cool as that.
