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Dons with the Tick

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I'm not really sure why we did this, but we did. Sometimes Trixie just looks so sad when we are leaving the house, ya know? Anyway, it was v enjoyable. This was the seond time we tried Art City Donuts and let me tell ya. Those glazed were wayyy better than the ones we got last time. I think last time we got the shortcake donuts and I decided I didn't like them. But for some reason the just plain, glazed donuts were SO GOOD.

There is this horse-drawn carriage in our neighborhood that comes out during the summer. It's quite strange and I have no idea where it comes from or why it happens, but it is pretty majestical. We saw it on the way home! The first sighting of the season! If anyone knows who owns it and how we can book a ride... please let me know lol.
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6 comments on "Dons with the Tick"
  1. Those tiny treats look so good! Have you ever been to 180 Taco? If so, have you ever had their malasadas? They're suuuper good, and your little basket of donuts reminded me of them and now I want some. Haha gee thanks ;)

    1. Just went to 180 Taco! I forgot to get them though! Oh well, next time.

  2. Haha! maybe Trixie is scared you guys are taking her to the groomers or the vet whenever you take her out?? It's cute how she sits on the floor instead of your lap.
    But p.s. - I'm having a link-up on my blog and I just wanted to invite you. :)

    1. Haha maybe!! Pretty much most experiences she has in the car are going to the groomers, so she probably doesn't have the best memories haha. And great link-up!

  3. Now I'm craving donuts and it's all your fault lol
