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a happy list: 63

Monday, April 27, 2015
Ok, so I'm going to leave out all San Francisco things, because I feel like that would take up all of this happy list. But, just know that San Francisco things were a huge happy thing themselves! / Graduating from college. / Jake getting me rainbow roses. / My morning routine now involving açaí. / Seeing and chatting with my grandma and grandpa! / Preparing the trunk of my car for spontaneus road trips. And finally cleaning it out. / Being able to apply to what we like to call "real adult jobs" since I now have a degree. / The conversation two girls had in a different language on my Instagram photo. I tried to use Google translate, but it didn't work haha. / When I texted my mom at 11:00 p.m. and jokingly said "Where's my picture of Trixie" and she actually got up out of bed, located Trixie in the house, woke her up, took a picture, and sent it to me. Ha! Whoops... at least I know she is a v nice mom though. / Petting Chows in real life. 

Some funny things that were said this week.

Leah: "I get emotional about math." 

Jake: (We were going to eat at a place called Ramen Yamadaya.) "Yama-bb."

Me: "I'm emotional right now!"
Jake: "Let me be your emotional pillow. *hugs me* Squeeze me."

That's all folks! I feel like a lot of things happened this week. So, hopefully I can catch this little journal up with everything eventually. I'm just way too pumped about having so much time to clean and organize. Not to mention I have 3 shoots this week. No idea how that happened, but hey! I've got the time!

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P.S. I did not proof read this, so sorry for any erros lol. 
8 comments on "a happy list: 63"
  1. Wow congratulations on graduating college! That is AWESOME. Also love the rainbow roses, and I am way way jealous of your trip to San Francisco! I have been wanting to just take a road trip to California for ever and ever and drive down the PCH and bumb around on the beach and also go to Disneyland, but alas... I have to wait until next year for such things!

    1. Thanks! And you should do that road trip! That was our original plan but we didn't have enough time! I look forward to reading about your trip in the future :)

  2. Hahaha! The HONY one. And those super hero job prints had me laughing like cray

  3. Do you find yourself a little bit like, "what do I do with all this time?!" now that college is done? My commencement is still a few weeks away but I'm basically finished with all my assignments and papers and tests and now I have no idea what to do with my time. HA!


    1. Yes! I haven't had a ton of it because we left to San Francisco the day after I finished school, and so I've really only had two days. But yes! It is weird! Never in my life (that I can remember) have I not had school for a whole year! I'll probably finally clean my house and organize our moving boxes.

      Congrats to you as well! That's awesome! You'll have to pick up some obscure hobbies. Ha!
