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"What I Want And What I Need Are Two Completely Different Dreams"

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Transferring my old blog posts to this new blog has made me realize how much things in my life have changed. Most are for the good, but a few are for the bad. I've completely let my photography morph into a service instead of an art form. I want to get back to making art through photos. I used to carry my camera around my neck EVERYWHERE. Then, the whole blogger world thing hit, and I started feeling self-conscious about it. I started to get bugged by people who were doing things only for the photo opportunities, so I made it a point not to be that person. I didn't want people to be judging me or laughing at me or being annoyed at my constant photo taking.  

In doing so I started putting my camera in my bag instead of around my neck. I only took pictures of things I thought were "worthy", or things I really wanted to remember. I forgot about the beauty and worth in the little things. I forgot that photography is as much about creating beautiful images as it is about remembering. And I miss creating beautiful images of the small, everyday things.

So, I'm taking my camera out of my bag, and wearing it around my neck.

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14 comments on ""What I Want And What I Need Are Two Completely Different Dreams""
  1. Good for you! These photos are so beautiful, and you are so talented. Best of looking creating beautiful images from everyday things (not that you need it)!

    Brittany x | Bringing Up Brittany

  2. Beautiful photos. Love this post about change.


  3. amen to that em! i get ashamed sometimes too, about having my camera out, but i really just want to remember every little detail about this time in my life with isaac. i think someday we'll regret it if we don't wear our cameras around our necks. you are a girl after my own heart!!

    xo, k
    pocket of blossoms

    1. Yeah, sometimes when I look back at the pictures I took in high school of stupid things, like my iPhone, or the song lyrics I used to write on my wrist, or my bracelets, it brings back such a strong sense of nostalgia, and I feel like I can really remember and get a sense of who I was at that time in my life.

  4. Those pictures are beautiful! You can never have enough and one day you'll be glad you have the memories. Don't worry about what other people think!

  5. I've been thinking about this too...I feel like I've been whoring myself out as a photographer just because I feel like it's the only way to actually do it. I need to remember that taking photos for myself is equally as "valuable" as taking photos for clients. Also you're soooo talented emily #inspo

    1. YES. Ok. I know what you mean. There were times when I felt I needed to do photography just so I had something to edit, and just so I could practice. I still do take pictures for practice, but photography is such an amazing form of art, no one should view it as simply a "job" or something they "have to do". I think the people who enter any profession for the sole sake of making money off of it are the people who are unsuccessful. I truly believe you have to love what you do and believe in it, in order to fully appreciate!

      It can definitely be hard in the beginning though, because you have people who know you are just starting and they know you want practice so they're like, "Hey, take some pictures of me." and that's AWESOME, but... it's not really YOUR vision ya know? Like you're basically creating what they want you to create, and not what YOU want to create. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I think if people want you to do free pictures of them/they want to model, they need to be working with you to create YOUR vision.

      WHOA. Long reply. Haha.

  6. YAAASSSS!!! Do it!

    I am not super smart about photography, and I have a crappy camera, but I'm super into memory-keeping and do the whole Project Life thing and I totally feel where you're coming from. I feel SO awkward 97% of the time I'm taking photos because they're either of totally weird/random things or at inopportune or inappropriate times. But whatever. Long hair don't care. Because even if I don't get the perfect shot, I usually end up with the perfect visual memory of any given moment, whether that moment was perfect or not. Can't wait to see more pho'os here!

    1. Yeah, it really is more about the memory than the perfect picture!

  7. SO awesome! I can't wait to see the pictures you capture!
