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A Happy List: 168

Monday, September 4, 2017

1/ Finding out one of my classes is online.

2/ Tucker only sleeps on the couch while we are gone, but just barely he jumped up here while I am up here and is currently snoozing beside me!!! My heart!

3/ Driving around and looking at really nice houses. If you wanna find nice houses near you, download Zillow and search for like 3 million and up and go there! I can't wait to drive around once everyone has all their Christmas decorations up!

4/ Remember when I talked about how much I loved my friend's strawberry rhubarb pie? Well I bought one from the store that is NO WHERE near as good :( BUT! She sent me her recipe so I am so stoked to make it! I want to do some cute little pies.

5/ Getting new plants. I kill all of mine, but when they are $15 at IKEA it's not so bad haha. 

6/ The houses in Riverdale. I only made the decision to give this show another shot because the houses and filming locations are SO BEAUTIFUL. I need to be in British Columbia ASAP. 

7/ Getting Tucker a puppaccino. They saw that he was a big dog through the drive thru camera and gave him a grande instead of a sample cup. 

8/ ALSO! I ordered 3 vanilla bean scones and they gave me 5! Thank youuuu Starbuck's!

9/ Whipping out my plaid blanket. FALL IS ALMOST HERE.

10/ I did the math and figured out it is literally not possible to do all the reading assigned for school, which makes me feel really good. So my new plan is to skim, skim, skim and keep up hobbies/mental stuff. 

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